

Molecular Bioengineering – Developing Molecular Tension Sensors

© Uni MS - Prof. Dr. C. Grashoff

Knowing the force response characteristics of the tension sensor module (TSM) is key to a conclusive molecular force measurement. Therefore, we have carefully calibrated our FRET modules (including donor and acceptor fluorophore) by single-molecule force spectroscopy to determine critical molecular properties including folding/unfolding transition pathways, reversibility, and force sensitivity. (more >>)


Quantitative Microscopy – Lifetime Imaging and Tension Sensor Multiplexing

© Uni MS - Prof. Dr. C. Grashoff

Intracellular FRET signals can be analyzed by different microscopy methods (Cost et al. 2015, Cell Mol Bioeng). However, only a few techniques such as single photon counting fluorescence lifetime imaging (TCSPC-FLIM) allow the direct calculation of FRET efficiency, a value that is required to calculate molecular forces. We have therefore established microscopy protocols and custom written data analysis software to acquire and evaluate live cell TCSPC-FLIM data (Austen et al. 2011, Methods Mol Biol). (more >>)


Quantitative Cell Biology – Molecular Cell Adhesion Mechanics

© Uni MS - Prof. Dr. C. Grashoff

Cells‘ ability to sense mechanical information is, to a large degree, mediated by macromolecular structures which mediate the adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) or to each other. (more >>)