Grand magical summer party with Triwizard Tournament
Today and tonight saw our traditional SP7/8 summer party, this year organized by the wonderfully important Orga team of the magical Order of Moerschbachers. Teams from all over the science wizarding world had sent their owls in time to register for the Triwizard Tournament. And food the like the world has never seen before bended the tables of the buffet that stretched from the great inner courtyard hall all the way to the farthest corner of the Hogwart castle. Butterbeer and Polyjuice Potion had already made for a relaxed atmosphere when the Grand Master of the Biopolymers Bruno Dumbledore officially opened the Games. Twelve teams had been sorted by the Sorting Hat into the four different houses, and had received their Marauder’s Map to find their way to the seven Grand Challenges that had been prepared by the wonderfully important Orga team to select those students with the most magical suitability to become witches and wizards. The four winning teams of the four houses then competed in two final Quidditch games to identify the grand winner whose honor and duty it then was to draw the name of next year’s organizing team from the Goblet of Fire. All four winners received their prizes, and the special prize for the best costume straight from Diagon Alley went to Silvia Wernke! Thanks to the excellent organization and the many many helping hands, this year’s summer party again was a roaring success which will go down in history to celebrate the magic of our institutes and their people.