“Warum?” - Thanks to all our friends around the world for your concern

As much as the terrible incident of last Saturday has shocked all of us, we are overwhelmed by the concern of so many of our former students as well as former and current collaborators from around the world. Thank you so much for your calls and mails, asking us whether we and our families and friends are safe, sharing with us your disbelief and incomprehension. Some of us have family or friends who were nearby but, Thank God: as far as we know, no-one was directly involved. The simple wooden board with the one word “Warum?” - “Why?” somebody laid down at the Kiepenkerl expresses what we all ask. It had been the first true spring day of the year when the sun allowed to enjoy a first cup of coffee outside after five long winter months. This attack could have shaken our feeling of safety if this can happen even in the quiet town of Münster - but it did not because knowing that our friends around the world thought of us and feared for us makes us strong - and happy. Thank you!