Former Members of the research group
Dr. Paul Breutmann
Dr. Simon Diel (geb. Hüsken)
Dr. Maike Frantzen
Tim Melkert
Dr. Felix Rötting
Dr. Tim Schauch
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Singh
Dr. Anna Weiß
Dr. Paul Breutmann
Dr. Simon Diel (geb. Hüsken)
Dr. Maike Frantzen
Tim Melkert
Dr. Felix Rötting
Dr. Tim Schauch
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Singh
Dr. Anna Weiß
2021 | Maike Frantzen | Monodromy Representations for Local and Global G-Shtukas |
2018 | Paul Breutmann | Functoriality and Stratifications of Moduli Spaces of Global G-Shtukas |
2018 | Felix Rötting | Honda-Tate-Theory for A-Motives and Global Shtukas |
2017 | Anna Weiß | Foliations in moduli spaces of bounded global G-shtukas |
2014 | Tim Schauch | Weak Admissibility of Hodge-Pink Lattices in Terms of Geometric Invariant Theory |
2013 | Simon Hüsken |
On semi-stable Fontaine theory in equal characteristic and good reduction of analytic Anderson motives |
2012 | Esmail Arasteh Rad |
Uniformizing the Moduli Stacks of Global G-Shtukas |
2012 | Rajneesh Kumar Singh |
Local Shtukas and Divisible Local Anderson Modules |
2025 | Wilko Sieberns | Properties of certain Groessencharacters over global function fields |
2024 | Annika Antonia Holtrup | Universal covering and logarithm of local shtukas |
2022 | Henning Wendtland | The isomorphy types of the σ-bundles associated to a z-isocrystal |
2021 | Maxim Melnik | Extensions of σ-bundles |
2020 | Franziska Gerken | Admissibility of isoclinic z-Isocrystals with Hodge-Pink structure |
2019 | Janna Franzkeit | Canonical Subgroups of Drinfeld-Modules and Truncated Local Shtukas |
2019 | Sebastian Greve | p-adic Drinfeld modular forms of higher rank |
2019 | Maximilian Langner | Rapoport-Zink period morphisms onto the affine line for function fields |
2018 | Karsten Schrödter | φ-Gauges and F-Zips for Function Fields and their Relation to Local Shtukas and Truncations |
2017 | Maike Frantzen | Zeta-functions and Groessencharacters of A-Motives with complex multiplication |
2015 | Paul Breutmann | The Carlitz logarithm as a period morphism |
2015 | Andreas Mazzola | Isogenies between supersingular Anderson-motives |
2012 | Sven Rählmann | Boundedness for certain reductive groups |
2010 | Ann-Kristin Juschka |
The Hodge Conjecture for Function Fields |
2010 | Alla Mihaleva | Relation between the quadratic reciprocity law and Artin's reciprocity law |
2010 | Franziska Schneider | The Drinfeld-Hayes Theorem |
2009 | Christian Liguda | The Robba ring |
2009 | Antje Pelzer | The main theorem of complex multiplication for Anderson A-Motive |
2009 | Anne Schindler | Anderson A-Motive with complex multiplication |
2008 | Thomas Fessler | The semilinear theorem and its consequences for isomorphisms of F-crystals and local shtukas |
2008 | David Hülsmeier | To lift local shtukas |
2008 | Michael Molz | Elementary properties of the moduli space of abelian τ-sheaves |
2008 | Tobias Richter | Supersingular Anderson-motives |
2008 | Konstantin Seiler | Analytic triviality of a family of τ-modules |
2007 | Matthias Bornhofen |
Abelian Sheaves over Finte Fields |
2006 | Markus Hendler |
Representability and formal properness of isomorphism class functors for Drinfeld modules and abelian sheaves |
2006 | Judith Klahm | Construction of an elliptic curve over a finite field with prescribed group structure |
2006 | Karoline Rohweder | Uniformizability of abelian t-modules |
2006 | Markus Stein | Elliptic curves with complex multiplication and associated modular forms |
2017 | Jan Schnepel | Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli-Carlitz numbers |
2015 | Christina Petersilie | The Hasse-Minkowski theorem for quadratic forms |
2013 | Claudia Hellmann | Classification of archimedean solids |
2010 | Philipp Heinicke | Construction and animation of the platonic and archimedian solids |
2010 | Klaudia Kwickert |
Construction of Cubus Simus via paperfolding |
2011 | Denise Krause | Flexes of cubic curves |
2021 | Annika Holtrup | The Quadratic Reciprocity Law over Rational Function Fields |
2020 | Doris Grothusmann | The commutativity of Hecke algebras via the Gelfand trick |
2018 | Rachel Kühn | Isogenies of A-Motives |
2017 | Antonia Klein-Reesink | Semi-simple rings and modules |
2016 | Janna Franzkeit | Drinfeld-Modules |
2016 | Lisa Li | τ-Invariants of A-Motives |
2016 | Henning Wendtland | Definition of A-Motives |
2013 | Jonas Stelzig | Class Field Theory |
2013 | Jonas Tebbe | Strong Approximation in SL_n |
2025 | Malte Reckzügel | Two proofs of the product decomposition of the sine function and the Basel problem |
2016 | Matthias-Martin Gerhold | Tilings of Space by Octahedra and Tetrahedra |
2016 | Malte Karrasch | Produkt Decomposition in Quadratic Number Fields |
2016 | Rachel Scheufen | Norms in Quadratic Number Fields and Decomposition of Prime Numbers |
2015 | Robert Gas | Quadratic Number Fields |
2015 | Tanja Inga Hommen | Fractional Ideals |
2015 | Sebastian Kraft | Vertex Transitive Polyhedra |
2015 | Katharina Langa | Calculating with Ideals |
2015 | Julian Rose | Applications of the Quadratic Reciprocity Law to Diophantine Equations |
2015 | Malte Seifert | The Splitting Law for Prime Numbers in Quadratic Number Fields |
2015 | Alexander Ueckert | Convex Polyhedra |
2015 | Lisa Wirbel | Comparison of Hensel's Lemma with Newton's Method |
2015 | Max Zaun | Cyclotomic Polynomials |
2014 | Alexandra Papst | The Catalan solids |
2014 | Jonas Rensinghoff | Euler's polyhedral formula |
2014 | Enno Stemmerich | The symmetry groups of the archimedean solids |
2010 | Doris Burrichter | The theorems of Euler and Descartes |
2010 | Claudia Hellmann | Netisomorphisms for the cube, the octahedron, and the icosahedron |
2010 | Benedikt Köhler | Steinitz's theorem on 3-connected planar graphs |
2010 | Eva Konopatzky | Convex polytopes and graph theory |
2010 | Nadine Stratmann | The constancy of volume for the Steffen polyhedron |
2010 | Lisa Wiechers | The golden ratio related to the platonic solids |
2008 | Daniel Achtelik | Construction of the Platonic solids |
2008 | David Bomas | Archimedean solids |
2008 | Klaudia Kwickert | The symmetry groups of the Platonic solids |
2008 | Melanie Wiecher | The finite rotation groups of space |