Data protection policy


The following data protection policy describes the type and extent of personal information collected and used by the responsible provider of this website. The regulatory framework on data protection is specified in the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG)) and the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz (TMG)).

Name and address of the website operator

In accordance with general data protection regulations, the national data protection acts of the members states and other related data policy provisions, the responsible operator of this website is:

Universität Münster
Schlossplatz 2
48149 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83-0
Fax: +49 251 83-24831

We strongly value your trust. For this reason, we are committed to protecting your privacy and informing you about our data collection and storage policies.

Access data / Server log files

The provider (or its webspace provider) creates server log files, containing data on every access query to content on the website. Each file contains so-called access data, specifically:

Name of the accessed website, file, date and time of the query, transmitted amount of data, report on whether the query was successful, the browser type and version, the user's operating system, referrer URL (i.e. previously visited page), IP address and the querying provider.

The provider uses the recorded data for the sole purpose of statistical analysis in order to improve the operation, security and optimisation of the website. The provider reserves the right to subsequently review the log files if there are justifiable reasons to suspect violations of usage.

Usage of personal data

Personal data refers to information which can be used to determine a person's identity, i.e. details which can be traced back to a specific person. These include the user's name, email address and telephone number. Other personal data may include preferences, hobbies, memberships and previously visited websites.

Personal data is only collected, used and shared by the provider if explicitly permitted by law or if the user grants his/her respective consent.

Contact queries and registration to the Alumni-Club WWU Münster

When the user contacts the provider (e.g. via contact form or email), the data provided by the user is stored onto the server in order to process the query and facilitate subsequent communication on the matter, if necessary. 

The online services offered by the Alumni-Club WWU Münster occasionally require users to provide personal data (e.g. email address, name, postal address, information on your time as a student or an employee at the University of Münster) to register to the Alumni-Club WWU Münster or to events. These services are provided for use on an explicitly voluntary basis. Naturally, the requested data will only be used for the purpose intended and will not be disclosed to third parties.

Third-party services and content

We occasionally incorporate content provided by third parties on our website, e.g. YouTube videos, Google Maps, RSS feeds and graphic elements from other websites. In order to take advantage of these, the  third-party providers require the user's IP address. Without it, they cannot transmit the content to the user's browser. The IP address is required to render this content. We strive to only incorporate content from third-party providers which use IP address solely for the purpose of delivering content to the users' browsers. However, we have no way of preventing third-party providers from saving this data, e.g.  for statistical purposes. If we are aware of such practices, we inform the users accordingly.


Cookies are small files saved on your internet device (PC, smartphone, tablet etc.) containing specific information about your device and website usage. Their purpose is to improve user friendliness and the user's interaction with the website, i.e. by saving login data. They also serve to collect and analyse statistical data on website usage in order to optimise online content. Users can influence the usage of cookies. Most browsers allow users to restrict or even prevent cookies from collecting and storing data on their devices. However, opting out of cookies may limit the usage and user friendliness of the website.

You can opt-out of selected online advertising cookies by visiting the American website or the EU website

Matomo analysis service

Our website uses Matomo, a web analytics open-source software. Matomo saves cookies onto your device which allows us to analyse how you use the website. For this purpose, the information generated by the cookie (including your abbreviated IP address) is transmitted and saved onto our server so that we can optimise our web pages. As all IP addresses are immediately anonymised in the process, your user identity remains anonymous. The data collected by the cookie is not shared with third parties. You may choose to deactivate cookies by blocking them via your web browser. However, this may prevent you from taking full advantage of all the features offered on this website.

If you do not wish to have your session data saved and analysed, you can retract your consent on cookie storage and usage with a mouse click at any time. In this case, Matomo places an “opt-out cookie” onto your browser which prevents it from collecting any data during your visit to our website. Please note: If you choose to delete all of the cookies in your browser, the Matomo opt-out cookie will also be erased. This means you will have to reactivate the opt-out cookie during your next session.

If you do not wish to have your session data saved and analysed, you can retract your consent on cookie storage and usage with a mouse click at any time. In this case, Matomo places an “opt-out cookie” onto your browser, which prevents it from collecting any data during your visit to our website.

Please note: If you choose to delete all of the cookies in your browser, the Matomo opt-out cookie will also be erased. This means you will have to reactivate the opt-out cookie during your next session.