Course Archive

You can view all of the courses from past years offered by the Innovation Office (AFO) on the LSF/QISPOS portal of the University of Münster. To begin your search, click on the menu heading "Search for lectures" (Suche nach Veranstaltungen) located under the section "Courses" (Veranstaltungen). At the top of the list of search criteria, you will find the field "Term"  (Semester) with which you can search for courses by semester all the way back to the summer semester 2006.

To restrict your search query to AFO courses only, enter "Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer" or "Dezernat 6 Abteilung 6.5 Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer" in the search filter "Department" (Einrichtung). You do not need any further search filters; simply press "Start search" to view all AFO courses offered in the respective semester.


Course archive