21. - 23. Juli 2008

Scientific knowledge in the context of thought style and paradigm - Ludwik Fleck and Thomas Kuhn on the development of scientific knowledge




  • Howard Sankey (University of Melbourne): "Semantic Incommensurability and Scientific Realism"
  • Alexander Bird (University of Bristol): "Fleck and Kuhn: the Psychology of Thought-Styles, Paradigms, and Incommensurability"
  • Michael Friedman (University of Stanford): "Ernst Cassirer and Thomas Kuhn: The Neo-Kantian Tradition in History and Philosophy of Science"
  • Jürgen Renn (MPI for History of Science Berlin): "Moritz Schlick and Ludwik Fleck: Overcoming the Neo-Kantian Tradition in History and Philosophy of Science"
  • Johannes Fehr (University of Zürich/Collegium Helveticum): "Passages from one thought style to another. Knowledge production according to Fleck"
  • Thomas Uebel (University of Manchester): "Fleck (and selected contemporaries) and the notions of thought style and thought collective"
  • Peter Reinartz (Bonn): "Thomas Kuhn and Ludwik Fleck - some aspects of their special relationship; including an excursion into Fleck and the Vienna Circle"
  • Markus Seidel (University of Münster, Center for Philosophy of Science): "Relativism or Relationism? A Mannheimian interpretation of some Fleckian claims"
  • Olaf Engler (University of Rostock, Moritz-Schlick-Forschungsstelle/MPI for History of Science Berlin) / Niko Strobach (University of Saarbrücken): "Dead Bodies, hot chillies and conscious brains - a Fleckian lesson in Scienteze"
  • Raja Rosenhagen (University of Rostock, Moritz-Schlick-Forschungsstelle): How to Model Scientific Progress - Some (B) randomized Reflections on Scientific Revolutions, Thought Styles and Mental Models
  • Nicola Mößner (University of Münster, Center for Philosophy of Science): "Thought Styles and Paradigms - a Comperative Study on Ludwik Fleck and Thomas S. Kuhn"
  • Christian Suhm (University of Münster, Center for Philosophy of Science): "Constructivism reconstructed - Fleck and Kuhn on shaping reality"