The Center for Philosophy of Science (ZfW)

The Center for Philosophy of Science (ZfW) was founded on January 26, 2006. Originally 7 departments of Münster University were involved, a number that has since then risen to 11. The ZfW now is an institutionalized, interdisciplinary research association devoted to questions and inquiries in the field of philosophy of science.

The aim of founding the ZfW was to create a center for the philosophy of science that combines multiple research interests and organizes interdisciplinary events. With this combination and the intensifying research and teaching in the field of philosophy of science at Münster University, the ZfW seeks to contribute to current debates in philosophy of science by organizing innovative events and research. Moreover, the ZfW regularly participates in planning and establishing a wide range of courses in philosophy of science at Münster University as well as supporting the interdisciplinary structure of the graduate studies in the field of philosophy of science.

Since the winter term 2007/2008 the ZfW has offered classes mainly aimed at BA-students in General Studies but in which other students also can participate.