Research Seminar Topology WS 2024/25
Date: Monday, 14.00 c.t.-15.00 c.t., room: M3
The seminar is organised by Michael Joachim and Robin Sroka
Datum | Vortragende(r) | Titel |
14.10.24 | Gong Show |
There will be 6 speakers, each will have 6 minutes for a blackboard talk and 2 minutes to answer questions from the audience. The line-up and titles are follows: 1. Thomas Nikolaus: The heart of cyclotomic spectra 2. Thomas Tony: Scalar curvature rigidity and higher index theory 3. Robin J. Sroka: On the homology of Temperley-Lieb algebras 4. Devarshi Mukherjee: Homological epimorphisms in geometric group theory 5. Phil Pützstück: Equivariant Picard Spectra 6. Arthur Bartels: Flow spaces |
21.10.24 | Maxime Ramzi (Uni Münster) | Noncommutative motives as a localization of stable oo-categories |
28.10.24 | Georg Lehner (Freie Universität Berlin) | Norm, Assembly and Coassembly |
04.11.24 | Sam Hughes (Universität Bonn)) | On finite quotients of discrete groups |
11.11.24 | Dennis Wulle (Universität Münster) | On the Geometry and Topology of Eschenburg Orbifolds |
18.11.24 |
Fabian Hebestreit (Universität Bielefeld) Raum: SR1B |
Homology manifolds and euclidean bundles |
25.11.24 | Wilhelm Winter (Universität Münster) |
Underlying dynamics of C*-algebras: Cartan subalgebras and classification |
02.12.24 | Kaif Hilman (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn) | An equivariant-to-calculus dictionary and a theorem of Glasman |
09.12.24 | Jeremy K. Miller (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA) | Uniform twisted homological stability and moments of quadratic L-functions |
16.12.24 | Josefien Kuijper (Utrecht Universtity) |
The Dehn invariant for spherical scissors congruence as spectral Hopf algebra |
06.01.25 | Ko Aoki | Solidification of algebraic K-theory |
13.01.25 | Victor Saunier (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) | Exact categories and their stable envelopes |
20.01.25 | Jack Kelly (University of Oxford) | Derived analytic geometry as bornological algebraic geometry |
03.02.25 | Benjamin Dünzinger (Universität Regensburg) | Categorified K-theoretic assembly |
18.02.25 |
Margarida Melo (University of Rome Raum: SRZ 214 |
Tropicalizing moduli spaces and applications |