Oberseminar Topologie (WS 2024/25)

Research Seminar Topology WS 2024/25

Date: Monday, 14.00 c.t.-15.00 c.t., room: M3

The seminar is organised by Michael Joachim and Robin Sroka

Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
14.10.24 Gong Show

There will be 6 speakers, each will have 6 minutes for a blackboard talk and 2 minutes to answer questions from the audience. The line-up and titles are follows:

1. Thomas Nikolaus: The heart of cyclotomic spectra

2. Thomas Tony: Scalar curvature rigidity and higher index theory

3. Robin J. Sroka: On the homology of Temperley-Lieb algebras

4. Devarshi Mukherjee: Homological epimorphisms in geometric group theory

5. Phil Pützstück: Equivariant Picard Spectra

6. Arthur Bartels: Flow spaces

21.10.24 Maxime Ramzi (Uni Münster) Noncommutative motives as a localization of stable oo-categories
28.10.24 Georg Lehner (Freie Universität Berlin) Norm, Assembly and Coassembly
04.11.24 Sam Hughes (Universität Bonn)) On finite quotients of discrete groups
11.11.24 Dennis Wulle (Universität Münster) On the Geometry and Topology of Eschenburg Orbifolds

Fabian Hebestreit (Universität Bielefeld)

Raum: SR1B

Homology manifolds and euclidean bundles
25.11.24 Wilhelm Winter (Universität Münster)

Underlying dynamics of C*-algebras: Cartan subalgebras and classification

02.12.24 Kaif Hilman (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn) An equivariant-to-calculus dictionary and a theorem of Glasman
09.12.24 Jeremy K. Miller (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA) Uniform twisted homological stability and moments of quadratic L-functions
16.12.24 Josefien Kuijper (Utrecht Universtity)

The Dehn invariant for spherical scissors congruence as spectral Hopf algebra

06.01.25 Ko Aoki Solidification of algebraic K-theory
13.01.25 Victor Saunier (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) Exact categories and their stable envelopes
20.01.25 Jack Kelly (University of Oxford) Derived analytic geometry as bornological algebraic geometry
03.02.25 Benjamin Dünzinger (Universität Regensburg) Categorified K-theoretic assembly

Margarida Melo (University of Rome

Raum: SRZ 214

Tropicalizing moduli spaces and applications