Oberseminar Topologie (WS 2022/23)

Research Seminar Topology WS 2022/23

Date: Wed, 4:30–5:30 pm, room: SRZ 203

The seminar is organised by Michael Joachim

Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
19.10.2022 Achim Krause (WWU Münster)

On the K-Theory of Z/p^n

26.10.2022 Eugen Hellmann (WWU Münster) On the K-theory of the stack of L-parameters for GL_n
02.11.2022 Thorsten Hertl (Universität Freiburg)) Concordances in Positive Scalar Curvature and Index Theory
09.11.2022 Markus Land (LMU München) On the K-theory of pushouts
16.11.2022 Sil Linskens (HCM Uni Bonn)

Symmetric spectrum objects in an infinity category

23.11.2022 Robin Stoll (Stockholm University)

The stable cohomology of automorphisms of connected sums of S^k x S^l

30.11.2022 Robert Wayne Burklund (University of Copenhagen)

Nilpotence and periodicity revisited

07.12.2022 Eva Viehmann (WWU Münster) Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties
14.12.2022 Nima Rasekh (MPI Bonn) Hochschild Homology via homotopy-coherent Shadows
11.01.2023 Shachar Carmeli (University of Copenhagen On the Chromatic Localization of K-Theory 
18.01.2023 Ursula Ludwig (WWU Münster) Analytic torsion and the Cheeger-Müller theorem
25.01.2023 There will be no lecture.