Schematic model of a minimal self-replicating cycle.
Schematic model of a minimal self-replicating cycle.
© A. Dieckmann (2009)

Multiscale simulation of self-replicating systems

Rational control of the cell growth: The basic requirement of molecular self-replication - an essential feature of living organisms - is studied be means of synthetic organic self-replicating systems. Therefore, the building blocks of the self-replicators are chosen to be as small as possible to enable an investigation by quantum mechanical calculations and molecular-dynamical simulations. Insights into the rational design of effective replicators are obtained from systematic chemical variation studies.

Relevant preliminary work:

  1. Elucidating the origin of diastereoselectivity in a self-replicating system: Selfishness vs. altruism
    Dieckmann A, Beniken S, Lorenz C D, Doltsinis N L, von Kiedrowski G. Chem. Eur. J. 17, 468-480 (2011)
  2. Unravelling a fulvene based replicator: Experiment and theory in interplay
    Dieckmann A, Beni-ken S, Lorenz C D, Doltsinis N L, von Kiedrowski G. J. Syst. Chem. 1, 10 (2010)