Dr. Manfred Bartsch

Dr. Manfred Bartsch

Busso-Peus-Straße 10, room 110.025
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83-34533
F: +49 251 83-34502

  • Research Areas

    • Hochaulösende XPS-Spektroskopie
    • Nanophysik
    • Spinabhängige Elektron-Atomstreuung
  • Doctoral Thesis

    Links-Rechts-Asymmetrie bei elastischer und unelastischer Streuung spinpolarisierter Elektronen an Zink-, Cadmium- und Indiumatomen

    Doctoral Subject
    Doctoral Degree
    Dr. rer. nat.
    Awarded by
    Department 11 – Physics
  • CV


    Physik Promotion, WWU Münster
    Physik Diplom, WWU Münster


    Akademischer Direktor, WWU Münster
    Conception, planning and control of the SoN Science building from the science side.
    Akademischer Oberrat, WWU Münster
    Akademischer Rat, WWU Münster
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, WWU Münster
    Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, WWU Münster
    Studentische Hilfskraft, WWU Münster

    External Functions

    Wissenschaftliche Planung und Kontrolle für den Forschungsbau SoN, Center for Soft Nanoscience
    VMS- / IVV4-Expertenrunde
    Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
    Center for Soft Nanoscience
  • Projects

    • CRC TRR 61 B09 - Femtosecond dynamics in nanostructured organic complexes ()
      Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at WWU: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR 61/2 B09
    • CRC TRR 61 B09 - Femtosecond dynamics of adsorbed organic complexes ()
      Subproject in DFG-joint project hosted at WWU: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: INST 211/459-1:2
  • Publications

    • Bhowmick, Deb Kumar; Urban, Adrian Joe; Bartsch, Manfred; Braunschweig, Björn; Zacharias, Helmut. . ‘Near-UV-Induced Rapid Formation of Compact Self-Assembled Organophosphonate Monolayers on H-Terminated Si(111) Surfaces.’ Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, No. 47: 19978–19986. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c03335.
    • Paul V. Möllers, Jimeng Wei, Soma Salamon, Manfred Bartsch, Heiko Wende, David H. Waldeck, and Helmut Zacharias. . ‘Spin-Polarized Photoemission from Chiral CuO Catalyst Thin Films.’ ACS Nano 2022, No. 16: 12145–12155. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.2c02709?ref=PDF.
    • Stegemann F, Stahl J, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Johrendt D, Janka O. . ‘Temperature induced valence phase transition in intermediate-valent YbPd2Al3.’ Chemical science 10. doi: 10.1039/C9SC04437J.
    • Stegemann F, Stahl J, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Johrendt D, Janka O. . ‘Temperature induced valence phase transition in intermediate-valent YbPd2Al3.’ Chemial Science 10: 11086–11094. doi: 10.1039/c9sc04437j.
    • Glätzle M, Janka O, Svitlyk V, Chernyshov D, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Pöttgen R, Huppertz H. . ‘The High-Pressure Oxide Tb3O5and its Non-Centrosymmetric Low-Temperature Polymorph–A Comprehensive Study.’ Chemistry A European Journal 24. doi: 10.1002/chem.201804006.
    • Stegemann F, Benndorf Ch, Zhang Y, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Fokwa BPT, Eckert H , Janka O. . ‘Network Formation by Condensed Tetrahedral [Au3Al] Units in Na2Au3Al: Crystal and Electronic Structure, Spectroscopic Investigations, and Physical Properties of an Ordered Ternary Auride.’ Inorg.Chem 56.
    • Benndorf Ch, Stegemann F, Seidel St, Schubert L, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Mausolf B, Haarmann F, Eckert H, Pöttgen R, Janka O. . ‘Equiatomic AEAuX (AE = Ca-Ba, X = Al-In) Intermetallics - A Systematic Study of the Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Properties.’ Chem. Eur. J. 23.
    • Stegemann F, Benndorf C, Zhang Y, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Fokwa BPT, Eckert H, Janka O. . ‘On ternary intermetallic aurides: CaAu2Al2, SrAu2-xAl2+x and Ba3Au5+xAl6-x.’ Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 643.
    • Bartsch T, Niehaus O, Hoffmann R, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Johrendt D, Pöttgen R. . ‘Palladium pnictide oxides Nd10Pd3As8O10 and Sm10Pd3As8O10-low temperature structural phase transition and physical properties.’ Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4, No. 28: 6727–6741. doi: 10.1039/c6tc02060g.
    • Kettner M, Bhowmick D, Bartsch M, Göhler B, Zacharias H. . ‘A Silicon-Based Room Temperature Spin Source without Magnetic Layers.’ Advanced Materials Interfaces 3, No. 20. doi: 10.1002/admi.201600595.
    • Bhowmick D. K., Stegemann L., Bartsch M., Strassert C. A., Zacharias H. . ‘Fluorescence Properties of Perylene and Pyrene Dyes Covalently Linked to 6H-SiC(0001) and Silicate Surfaces.’ Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120.
    • Bartsch T, Niehaus O, Johrendt D, Kobayashi Y, Seto M, Abdala P, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Hoffmann R, Gerke B, Rodewald U, Pöttgen R. . ‘New quaternary arsenide oxides with square planar coordination of gold(i)-structure, 197Au Mössbauer spectroscopic, XANES and XPS characterization of Nd10Au3As8O10 and Sm10Au3As8O10.’ Dalton Transactions 44, No. 12: 5854–5866. doi: 10.1039/c5dt00193e.
    • Bhowmick D. K., Stegemann L., Bartsch M., Allampally N. K., Strassert C. A., Zacharias H. . ‘Controlled 2D-Confinement of Phosphorescent Pt(II) Complexes on Quartz and 6H-SiC(0001) Surfaces.’ Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119.
    • Stegemann F, Benndorf C, Bartsch T, Touzani RSt, Bartsch M, Zacharias H, Fokwa BPT, Eckert H, Janka O. . ‘Ba3Pt4Al4 – Structure, Properties, and Theoretical and NMR Spectroscopic Investigations of a Complex Platinide Featuring Heterocubane [Pt4Al4] Units.’ Inorg. Chem. 54.
    • Dümmler M, Bartsch M, Geesmannt H, Hanne G, Kessler J. . ‘Low-Energy Data of the Sherman Function of Hg, Tl And Pb.’ Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 25, No. 20: 4281–4285. doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/25/20/022.
    • Bartsch M, Hanne G, Kessler J. . ‘Asymmetric scattering of polarized electrons from atoms with closed and open shells.’ Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 25, No. 7: 1511–1526. doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/25/7/021.
    • Geesmann H, Bartsch M, Hanne G, Kessler J. . ‘Left—right asymmetry for scattering of polarized electrons from thallium and lead atoms.’ Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 24, No. 12: 2817–2831. doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/24/12/006.
    • Dummler M, Bartsch M, Geesmann H, Hanne G, Kessler J. . ‘Scattering asymmetries of polarized electrons that have excited fine-structure levels of mercury atoms.’ Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 23, No. 19: 3407–3415. doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/23/19/022.
    • Nickich V, Hegemann T, Bartsch M, Hanne G. . ‘Left-right asymmetry in superelastic collisions of polarized electrons with unpolarized laser-excited sodium atoms.’ Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 16, No. 4: 261–269. doi: 10.1007/BF01437529.