Werkstattgespräch/Workshop "Legal Pluralism and Coloniality: Politics of Recognition of Religious and Legal Diversity in Africa" (27.09.2023)

Werkstattgespräch/Workshop zum Thema: Legal Pluralism and Coloniality: Politics of Recognition of Religious and Legal Diversity in Africa

Referentinnen: PD Dr. Katrin Seidel, Prof. Dr. Franziska Dübgen

Zeit: 10.00–13.00 Uhr

Seminarraum JO 101
Johannisstr. 4
48143 Münster

Veranstalter*innen: PD Dr. Katrin Seidel, Prof. Dr. Franziska Dübgen, Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“ (Projekt EXC 2060 A3-34 - Artikulationen des „Politischen“ in gegenwärtigen postkolonialen Kontexten Nord- und Subsahara-Afrikas).

Abstract zum Werkstattgespräch/Workshop

This workshop focuses on state recognition policies of religious diversity in Africa and seeks to explore the value of a postcolonial analytic to the research field of legal pluralism. Religious affiliation is an influential identity marker and oftentimes highly politicized in African contexts. The initial lecture and subsequent discussion will look at the conceptions of secularism and tolerance and introduce basic features of colonial law dealing with religious legal orders. By using specific case studies (Sudan and Kenya), we seek to discuss in how far different recognition policies, while claiming to be legally pluralist and tolerant, might reproduce colonial trajectories and thereby, f. e. perpetuate certain hierarchies and power asymmetries. Finally, the workshop aims at exploring what kind of normative tensions and paradoxes arise due to the recognition of diversity by a territorial nation state.