Dr. Gary Slater, PhD

Dr. Gary Slater, PhD

Robert-Koch-Str. 29
48149 Münster

  • Research Areas

    Ethics of Migration- Human impact on the earth’s natural environment.

    As a Humboldt Fellow, he is currently developing a monograph that explores the relationship between an ethics of migration and the human impact on the earth's natural environment. Focusing in particular on questions of borders and sovereignty, his project advances the claim that the very existence of a militarized international boundary might be among the clearest possible symbols of a sense of separation between the human and natural worlds. As sites of power manifested, of families separated, of alienation and friendship, of hope and hopelessness, and of the limits of civil and political order, borders are the starting point for an integrated theological ethics of migration and environmental degradation.

    The history of religions

    The philosophical theology

    The interfaith dialogue

    Graphic representations of religious practices

  • CV


    Doctoral studies at the University of Oxford (GB). Dissertation (DPhil) with the title: "Trajectories of Peircean Philosophical Theology: Scriptural Reasoning, Axiology of Thinking, and Nested Continua".
    Master of Theology and History at the University of Edinburgh (GB). Dissertation (MTh) with the title: "Women’s Ordination in the Church of England: An Abductive Approach".
    Bachelor of Arts in History and Religious Studies at the University of Virginia (USA).


    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften
    Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Christian Social Sciences at University of Münster (DE).
    Visiting Assistant Professor at the St. Edward’s University (USA).
    Adjunct Professor at the St. Edward’s University (USA).
    Adjunct Professor at the Huston-Tillotson University (USA).
    Academic Consultant for Mouseion Professors Ltd.
    Academic Consultant for the PhD Consultancy.
    Visiting Scholar at the University of Texas (USA).
    Teaching Assistant at the University of Edinburgh (GB).
    Research Assistant at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion at Oxford University (GB).

    External Functions

    Society of Christian Ethics (Member)
    European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment (Mitglieder)
    Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik" (Mitglieder)
    Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought
    American Academy of Religion
  • Publications

    Books (Monographs)

    • Slater, Gary. . Our Common, Bordered Home: Laudato si' and the Promise of an Integrated Migration-Ecological Ethics. Leiden: Brill | Schöningh.
    • Slater Gary, Vrahimis Andreas. . An Analysis of Baruch Spinoza’s Ethics.
    • Slater G. . C.S. Peirce and the Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Slater, Gary. . ‘Integral Ecology as Theosemiotic: A Case for a Pragmatist Theological Ethics.’ American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43, No. 2-3: 99–116.
    • Slater G. . ‘From Strangers To Neighbors: Toward an Ethics of Sanctuary Cities.’ Journal of Moral Theology 7.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review ofBlack Lives and SacredHumanity.’ AmericanJournal of Theology and Philosophy 38, No. 1: 96–99.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Scriptural Reasoning and the Ethics of Public Discourse.’ merican Journal of Theology and Philosophy 38, No. 2.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘The Implicit as a Resource for Engaging Normativity in Religious Studies.’ Religions 8, No. 11.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review ofPerspectives on Pragmatism, by Robert Brandom.AmericanJournal of Theology and Philosophy 36, No. 1: 100–103.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘A Peircean Response to the Evolutionary Debunking of Morality.’ Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 49, No. 3: 593–611.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review of American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, by Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell.Expository Times 124, No. 4: 197–198.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review of God and the World of Signs, by Andrew Robinson.AmericanJournal of Theology and Philosophy 34, No. 1: 86–89.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review ofThe Trinity and an Entangled World: Relationality in Physical Science and Theology, by John Polkinghorne.Expository Times 124, No. 5: 256–257.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review ofLevinas and James: Toward a Pragmatic Phenomenology, by Megan Craig.AmericanJournal of Theology and Philosophy 34, No. 3: 266–269.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review of Science and Religion: A New Introduction, by Alister E. McGrath.Reviews in Science and Religion 59: 35–40.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘Review of Kierkegaard’s Critique of Christian Nationalism, by Stephen Backhouse.Expository Times, 124: 134–135.
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Slater Gary,. . ‘Charlottesville Pragmatism: Richard Rorty’s Neo-pragmatism and Peter Ochs’s Rabbinic/Scriptural Pragmatism.’ In Rorty and the Prophetic: Jewish Engagements With a Secular Philosopher, edited by Goodson Jacob L., Stone Brad E., 49–63. Lanham/Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    • Slater, Gary. . ‘Between Comparison and Normativity: Scriptural Reasoning and Religious Ethics.’ In Scripture, Tradition, and Reason in Christian Ethics: Normative Dimensions, edited by Ranganathan, Bharat; Woodard-Lehman, Derek, 45–66. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Slater Gary. . ‘The Moral Framework of A Pluralistic Universe.’ In The Cries of the Wounded: William James, Moral Philosophy, and the Ethical Life, edited by Goodson Jacob L., 347–362. Lanham/Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

    Working Papers

    • Heimbach-Steins, Marianne; Bachmann, Claudius; Hänselmann, Eva; Ladenburger, Barbara; Ostertag, Lina-Marie; Quaing, Lea; Rehbach, Lukas; Slater, Gary; Urselmann, Judith (Hrsg.). . Die Enzyklika Fratelli tutti von Papst Franziskus (3. Oktober 2020). Sozialethische Beobachtungen und Analysen (ICS AP 14) Sozialethische Arbeitspapiere, No. 14. Münster: Universität Münster, . doi: https://doi.org/10.17879/74089680795.