Publication Series

Authors of the University have the option of publishing their book as a digital open access version in the spirit of the Berlin declaration. The digital version is available worldwide and free of charge on the University publication server miami.
They also receive a print-ready file for ordering print copies from a publisher or print service provider of their choice.

The University and State Library of Münster publishes the following open access publication series.


Wissenschaftliche Schriften der Universität MünsterUniversity of Münster Academic Publications

Books by scientists or central institutions of the University, for example scientific monographs and anthologies, conference proceedings, dissertations (evaluated with at least "magna cum laude"), research reports, commemorative publications, publication series of institutes and other types of publications are included. The University and State Library of Münster reserves the right to select the publications.

Information on University of Münster Academic Publications
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FID Benelux – open access publications

As part of the DFG-funded program Specialized Information Services, the University and State Library of Münster has been managing the Specialized Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies (FID Benelux) since the beginning of 2016. The FID Benelux strives to make as high a proportion as possible of subject-relevant scientific literature on the Benelux countries accessible online without restriction. To this end, the FID provides free open access publication services for e-journals and e-books to the scholarly community in the Benelux region (parallel print publication is possible). For the first or second publication of individual articles and documents, the Benelux-Doc repository can also be used.

Information on FID Benelux – open access publications
Notes for the author
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