In future experiments I will perform similiar tasks in an 10 x 10 m large room. The subjects will experience the virtual environment with the help of a head mounted display and they will be able to freely move around in the experimental room. The virtual scene will be rendered according to the movement of the subjects. With this experimental set-up I will be able to investigate the influence the role of real motion on the perception of travel distances derived from optic flow fields.
For the tracking of the position of the subject's head we use the WorldWiz Precise Position Tracker. The orientation of the subject's head is measures with an InertiaCube2.
Publications & Poster
Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Bolte, B., Wieland, P., Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2013)
Exploiting perceptual limitations and illusions to support walking through virtual environments in confined physical spaces
Displays, 34(2), 132-141
Lappe, M., Stiels, M., Frenz, H., & Loomis, J.M. (2011)
Keeping track of the distance from home by leaky integration along veering paths
Experimental Brain Research, 212(1), 81-89
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Jerald, J., Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2010)
Estimation of detection thresholds for redirected walking techniques
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16(1), 17-27
Lappe, M. & Frenz, H. (2009)
Visual estimation of travel distance during walking
Experimental Brain Research, 199(3-4),369-375
Bruder, G., Steinicke, F., Frenz, H., Lappe, M., & Hinrichs, K. H. (2009)
Impact of gender on discrimination between real and virtual stimuli
In Preceedings of IEEE VR Workshop on Perceptual Illusions in Virtual Environments (PIVE), 10-15, Lafayette, LA.
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G., Lappe, M., Frenz, H., Jerald, J., and Hinrichs, K. H. (2009).
Real Walking through Virtual Environments by Redirection Techniques
Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 6(2), 1-16
Steinicke, F., Bruder, G. Jerald, J., Frenz, H., and Lappe, M. (2008).
Analyses of human sensitivity to redirected walking
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 1-8
Steinicke, F., Ropinski, T., Bruder, G., Hinrichs, K., Frenz, H. and Lappe, M. (2008).
A universal virtual locomotion system: Supporting generic redirected walking and dynamic passive haptics within legacy 3D graphics applications.
Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Conference (VR2008), page 192-193.
Frenz, H., Lappe, M., Kolesnik, M. & Bührmann, T. (2007)
Estimation of Travel Distance from Visual Motion in Virtual Environments
ACM Transaction on Applied Perception 4(1), Article 3
Frenz, H. & Lappe, M. (2006)
Visual Distance Estimation in Static Compared to Moving Scenes
Spanish Journal of Psychology, 9(2): 321-331
Frenz. H. & Lappe, M. (2005)
Absolute travel distance from optic flow
Vision Research, 45(13): 1679-1692
Frenz, H., Bremmer, F. & Lappe, M. (2003)
Discrimination of travel distances from 'situated' optic flow
Vision Research, 43 (20): 2173-2183
Frenz, H., Bührmann, T., Kolesnik, M. & Lappe, M. (2003)
Optic-flow-based estimation of travel distance in virtual environments
[Abstract]. Perception, volume 32 Supplement ECVP 2003
Frenz, H., & Lappe, M. (2002)
Travel distance estimation from optic flow
VSS 2002, Journal of Vision, 2(7), 638a, http://journalofvision.org/2/7/638/, doi:10.1167/2.7.638.
Frenz, H. & Lappe, M. (2001)
Distanzschätzung aus visuellen Bewegungen
[Abstract]. 4. Tübinger Wahrnehmnungskonferenz, 4:134
Lappe, M., Grigo, A., Bremmer, F., Frenz, H., Bertin, J. J. V., & Israel, I. (2000).
Perception of Heading and Driving Distance From Optic Flow
[Abstract]. Driving simulator conference
Bremmer, F., Borgard, A., Frenz, H., Lappe, M. & Hoffmann, K.-P. (1998).
Distance discrimination and reproduction during visually simulated self motion
Proc. 26th Göttingen Neurobiol.Conf. Vol II, 466
Curriculum Vitae
1993 -- 1999 Studying Biology at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
1999 Graduation Thesis on: 'Perception of travel distances of visually simulated self-motions
Supervisor: Dr. M. Lappe, Department of Zoology and Neurobiology;
Head of department: Prof. Dr. K.-P. Hoffmann
1999 -- 2003 PhD Student, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Supervisor: Dr. M. Lappe Department of Zoology and Neurobiology
Doctoral thesis: 'Distance perception derived from optic flow'
since 2003 working in Prof. M. Lappe’s unit in Münster