Public Physic Colloquium in the Winter Terms 2009/2010 in Münster
Place:     Germany, 48149 Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, IG I, HS 2
Time:     Thursday, 15.10.2009  16:00 h c.t.
Colloquium Coffee at 15:45 h  at the Lecture Hall

Grand challenges for megafacilities
Prof. Dr. Helmut Dosch, Vorsitzender des Direktoriums DESY, Hamburg

The most demanding challenges in science and in the technologies of tomorrow can only be mastered by the bold exploration of the nanospace. The treasure quest in fundamental science encompasses vexing open problems, from the nature of dark matter and the origine of dark energy to the understanding and control of complex systems. Advanced nanomaterials are the new building blocks of all modern technologies. The detailed investigation of these materials and of the associated phenomena requires large scale facilities which provide the necessary high-tech “microscopes” with the proper spatial and temporal resolution. Here the novel x-ray laser facilities will play a key role.

Invited from: Prof. Dr. H. Zacharias

By Order of the Professors of the Department of Physics
Prof. Dr. H. Zacharias