- Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, F., Buskasper, T., Römer, J., Krämer, L., Malik, B., McRae, L., Kürpick, L., Palitza, S., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. (). General Design Flow for Waveguide Bragg Gratings. doi: 10.1515/nanoph-2024-0498.
- Jaha, R., Graham-Scott, C. A., Abazi, A. S., Pernice, W., Schuck, C., & Ferrari, S. (). Kinetic Inductance and Jitter Dependence of the Intrinsic Photon Number Resolution in Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors. (1. Aufl.) doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2410.23162.
- Chen, J., Nasir, A., Abazi, A., Eich, A., Sánchez-Postigo, A., Takeda, H., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Schuck, C., & Yoshioka, H. (). Coexistence of the Radial-Guided Mode and WGM in Azimuthal-Grating-Integrated Microring Lasers. ACS Photonics, 11 (12), 5110–5117. doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c00956.
- Schoonhoven, F., Tomishige, Y., Abazi, A., Sánchez-Postigo, A., Chen, J., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C., & Yoshioka, H. (). Inkjet-printed waveguide-coupled passive wedge-shaped microdisk resonator with refractive index tunability. Optical Materials Express, 14 (7), 1767–1778Optica Open Preprints. doi: 10.1364/OME.528582.
- Laumann, D., Schlummer, P., Abazi, A., Borkamp, R., Lauströer, J., Pernice, W., Schuck, C., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., & Heusler, S. (). Analyzing the Effective Use of Augmented Reality Glasses in University Physics Laboratory Courses for the Example Topic of Optical Polarization. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 33, 668–685. doi: 10.1007/s10956-024-10112-0.
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- Bankwitz, R., Wolff, M., Abazi, A., Piel, P., Jin, L., Pernice, W., Wurstbauer, U., & Schuck, C. (). High-quality factor Ta2O5-on-insulator resonators with ultimate thermal stability. Optics Letters, 48 (21), 5783–5786. doi: 10.1364/OL.499726.
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- Häußler, M., Terhaar, R., Wolff, M. A., Gehring, H., Beutel, F., Hartmann, W., Walter, N., Tillmann, M., Ahangarianabhari, M., Wahl, M., Röhlicke, T., Rahn, H.-J., Pernice, W. H.P., & Schuck, C. (). Scaling waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detector solutions to large numbers of independent optical channels. Review of Scientific Instruments, 94 (1), 013103. doi: 10.1063/5.0114903.
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- Schlummer, P., Abazi, A., Borkamp, R., Lauströer, J., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Schuck, C., Pernice, W., Heusler, S., & Laumann, D. (). Seeing the unseen – enhancing and evaluating undergraduate polarization experiments with interactive Mixed-Reality technology. European Journal of Physics, 44 (6), 065701. doi: 10.1088/1361-6404/acf0a7.
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- Beutel, F; Grottke, T; Wolff, M A; Schuck, C; Pernice, W H P (). Cryo-compatible opto-mechanical low-voltage phase-modulator integrated with superconducting single-photon detectors. Optics Express, 30 (17), 30066–30074. doi: 10.1364/OE.462163.
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- Piro*, N., Rohde*, F., Schuck*, C., Almendros, M., Huwer, J., Gosh, J., Haase, A., Hennrich, M., Dubin, F., & Eschner, J. (). Heralded single-photon absorption by a single atom. Nature Physics, 7 (1), 17. doi: 10.1038/nphys1805.
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- Sánchez-Postigo, A., Ginel-Moreno, P., Graham-Scott, C., Schmid, J. H., Wangüemert-Pérez, J. G., Ortega-Moñux, A., Cheben, P., Molina-Fernández, Í., & Schuck, C. (). Engineering subwavelength-grating photonic integrated structures for quantum applications (invited). SPIE Photonics West 2024, San Francisco. doi: 10.1117/12.3002731.
- van Schoonhoven, F., Tomishige, Y., Sánchez Postigo, A., Abazi, A., Chen, J., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C., & Yoshioka, H. (). Horizontal Coupling of a Printed Passive Wedge-shaped Microdisk Resonator to Photonic Integrated Circuits. CLEO 2024, Charlotte.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrating Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors with Nanophotonic Circuit Functionalities (invited). In 2023, I. (Hrsg.), ISEC 2023 (S. 1–1).
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- Schütte, J., Wolff, MA., Häußler, M., Gehring, H., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Arrays for Single Photon Detection with Number-Resolution. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), CLEO 2023 (S. FM2E.3–FM2E.3). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_FS.2023.FM2E.3.
- Chen, J., Nasir, A., Abazi, A., Eich, A., Tomishige, Y., Takeda, H., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C., & Yoshioka, H. (). Active Clad Microring Laser with Diffraction Grating for Mutual Coupling of Radial Direction Mode and {WGM}. In IEEE (Hrsg.), CLEO & EQEC Europe 2023 (S. 1–1). Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC57999.2023.10232578.
- Takeda, H., Abazi, A., Eich, A., Tomishige, Y., Hiramoto, K., Chen, J., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C., & Yoshioka, H. (). Ultrasmall Submicrometer Sized Periodic Deposition on the Si3N4 Microring with Nanodispensing Technique. In IEEE (Hrsg.), CLEO Europe & EQEC 2023 (S. 1–1). Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC57999.2023.10232309.
- Jaha, R., Beutel, F., Wolff, MA., Schuck, C., Pernice, W., & Ferrari, S. (). Decreasing SNSPD Jitter to Sub-3 ps Upon Increased Photon Illumination. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), CLEO 2023 (2023), paper SM4G.3 (S. SM4G.3–SM4G.3). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2023.SM4G.3.
- Butz, M., Leifhelm, A., Becker, M., Risse, B., & Schuck, C. (). A Universal Approach to Nanophotonic Inverse Design through Reinforcement Learning. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), CLEO 2023, paper STh4G.3 (S. STh4G.3–STh4G.3). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2023.STh4G.3.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrating large numbers of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with nanophotonic waveguides. In García-Blanco, S., & Cheben, P. (Hrsg.), Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVII (S. 34–34). SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2655450.
- Schuck, C. (). Single-photon generation and manipulation in photonic integrated circuits. In Hemmer, P., & Migdall, A. (Hrsg.), Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation III (S. PC124461–PC1244615). SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2657902.
- Abazi, A., Schlummer, P., Lauströer, J., Stuhrmann, J., Borkamp, R., Pernice, W., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Heusler, S., Laumann, D., & Schuck, C. (). Teaching Quantum Optics and Quantum Cryptography with Augmented Reality Enhanced Experiments. In DPG (Hrsg.), Q 23 Optomechanics I & Optovibronics (S. 1–1). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Butz, M., Leifhelm, A., Becker, M., Risse, B., & Schuck, C. (). A Novel Approach to Nanophotonic Black-Box Optimization Through Reinforcement Learning. In DPG (Hrsg.), Q 30 Nano-optics (S. 1–1). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Sánchez-Postigo, A., Graham-Scott, C., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors enhanced by subwavelength grating metamaterials. In DPG (Hrsg.), Quantum Optics: Cavity and Waveguide QED II (S. 1–1). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Timmerkamp, M., Lüpken, N. M., Abazi, S. A., Bankwitz, J. R., Schuck, C., & Fallnich, C. (). Synchronously Pumped Tantalum Pentoxide Waveguide-based Optical Parametric Oscillator. In Helfenstein, P. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of 10th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources (EUROPHOTON 2022) (S. 02024–02024). EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202226702024.
- Timmerkamp, M., Lüpken, N. M., Abazi, S. A., Bankwitz, J., Schuck, C., & Fallnich, C. (). Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on Tantalum Pentoxide Waveguides. In Optica Publishing Group (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the Advanced Photonics Congress 2022 (S. JTh4A.2–JTh4A.2). Optica. doi: 10.1364/BGPPM.2022.JTh4A.2.
- Gao, M., Timmerkamp, M., Lüpken, N. M., Abazi, S. A., Bankwitz, J. R., Schuck, C., Boller, K.-J., & Fallnich, C. (). Optical parametric oscillators based on integrated waveguides. PhoenixD Laser Day 2022, Hannover.
- Lauströer, J., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Schlummer, P., Heusler, S., Abazi, A., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. HP. (). Exploration wichtiger ästhetischer Qualitäten der Wissenschaftsillustration am Beispiel von MR- AR- und Web3DApplikationen zur Präsentation von Experimenten in der Quantenphysik. DPG-Frühjahrstagung, virtuell.
- Hiramoto, K., Obata, N., Eich, A., Mikami, Y., Nasir, A., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C., & Yoshioka, H. (). Direct printing of organic micro-disk cavity lasers on waveguides in optical integrated circuits. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the CLEO Pacific Rim (2022), paper CTuP11E\_03 (S. 03–03). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEOPR.2022.CTuP11E_03.
- Lomonte, E., Wolff, MA., Beutel, F., Ferrari, S., Schuck, C., Pernice, W. HP., & Lenzini, F. (). On-chip integration of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and reconfigurable optical circuits in lithium-niobate-on-insulator waveguides. In Diamanti, E., Ducci, S., Treps, N., & Whitlock, S. (Hrsg.), Quantum Technologies 2022 (S. 1213304–1213304). SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2621288.
- Beutel, F., Häußler, M., Terhaar, R., Wolff, MA., Hartmann, W., Walter, N., Tillmann, M., Wahl, M., Röhlicke, T., Ahangarianabhari, M., Bülter, A., Wernicke, D., Perlot, N., Rödiger, J., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. HP. (). Ultra-fast single-photon counting with waveguide-integrated detectors for quantum technologies. In Itzler, M., Bienfang, J., & McIntosh, K. (Hrsg.), Advanced Photon Counting Techniques XVI (S. 1208907–1208907). SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2620329.
- Terhaar, R., Häußler, M., Gehring, H., Wolff, M., Beutel, F., Walter, N., Hartmann, W., Tillmann, M., Wahl, M., Röhlicke, T., Bülter, A., Wernicke, D., Perlot, N., Rödiger, J., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. (). SPIE Proceedings 12009-66: Multi-channel waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detector system for ultrafast quantum key distribution. In Razeghi, M., Khodaparast, G., & Vitiello, M. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (S. 179357–179357). SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2609887.
- Kurschner, M. D., Wolff, M. A., Sommer, L., Lyatti, M., & Schuck, C. (). Fabrication of NbTiN Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors using Helium-Focused Ion Beam. In DPG (Hrsg.), Q 11 Quantum Technologies II (S. 2–2). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Butz, M., Leifhelm, A., Becker, M., Risse, B., & Schuck, C. (). Inverse Design of Nanophotonic Devices based on Reinforcement Learning. In DPG (Hrsg.), Q 38 Photonics II (S. 2–2). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Eich, A., Spiekermann, T., Gehring, H., Sommer, L., Bankwitz, J., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Colloidal quantum dots as integrated single photon sources. In DPG (Hrsg.), Q 53 Nano-Optics II (S. 4–4). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Schlummer, P., Abazi, A., Lauströer, J., Borkamp, R., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Pernice, W., Schuck, C., Heusler, S., & Laumann, D. (). Die Rolle räumlicher Kontiguität beim Lernen am Experiment. In DPG (Hrsg.), DD 3 Neue / digitale Medien – Konzeption (S. 3–3). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Abazi, A., Schlummer, P., Lauströer, J., Borkamp, R., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Heusler, S., Laumann, D., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Technische Entwicklung eines Augmented-Reality-Experiments zu polarisationsverschränkten Photonenpaaren. In DPG (Hrsg.), DD 17 Neue / digitale Medien – AR (S. 1–1). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
- Lomonte, E., Wolff, MA., Beutel, F., Ferrari, S., Schuck, C., Pernice, WH., & Lenzini, F. (). Monolithic integration of single-photon detectors with low-loss reconfigurable LNOI optical circuits. In CLEO (Hrsg.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (S. FF4J.3–FF4J.3). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2022.FF4J.3.
- Grottke, T., Hartmann, W., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. HP. (). Integrated Slot Waveguide-Based Phase Shifter. In Cesaria, M., Calà, L. A., & Collins, J. (Hrsg.), {NATO} Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and BiophysicsLight-Matter Interactions Towards the Nanoscale (S. 259–262). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-2138-5_18.
- Schlummer, P., Abazi, A., Borkamp, R., Lauströer, J., Pernice, W. S., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Heusler, S., & Laumann, D. (). Physikalische Modelle erfahrbar machen - Mixed Reality im Praktikum. In Grebe-Ellis, J., & Grötzebauch, H. (Hrsg.), PhyDid B (S. 415–420).
- Häußler, M., Terhaar, R., Gehring, H., Wolff, MA., Beutel, F., Hartmann, W., Walter, N., Tillmann, M., Wahl, M., Röhlicke, T., Rahn, H., Wernicke, D., Perlot, N., Rödiger, J., Pernice, W. HP., & Schuck, C. (). Multi-channel quantum communication receiver made from waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021, Washington. doi: 10.1364/OFC.2021.M3B.5.
- Eich, A., Spiekermann, TC., Sommer, L., Gehring, H., Bankwitz, JR., Preuss, JA., Kern, J., Vasconcellos, SMd., Bratschitsch, R., Pernice, W. HP., & Schuck, C. (). Integration of colloidal quantum dots with nanophotonic circuits. In SPIE (Hrsg.), Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, and Systems 2021 (S. 15–21). SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2594694.
- Grottke, T., Beutel, F., Wolff, MA., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. (). Integrated Low Loss MEMS Phase Shifter with Single- Photon Detection. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Photonics in Switching and Computing 2021 (2021), paper Tu3A.4 (S. Tu3A.4–Tu3A.4). Optica. doi: 10.1364/PSC.2021.Tu3A.4.
- Wolff, MA., Beutel, F., Schütte, J., Gehring, H., Häußler, M., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-integrated single-photon detectors with high system detection efficiency and photon number resolution. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2021 (2021), paper FM1C.2 (S. FM1C.2–FM1C.2). Optica. doi: 10.1364/FIO.2021.FM1C.2.
- Eich, A., Spiekermann, TC., Sommer, L., Gehring, H., Rasmus, JB., Pernice, W. HP., & Schuck, C. (). Colloidal quantum dots as single-photon sources for photonic integrated circuits. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), {OSA} Advanced Photonics Congress 2021 (2021), paper IW1A.5 (S. IW1A.5–IW1A.5). Optica. doi: 10.1364/IPRSN.2021.IW1A.5.
- Olthaus, J., Schrinner, P. PJ., Schuck, C., & Reiter, DE. (). Simulation, fabrication and control of nanophotonic circuits including diamond-based quantum emitters. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021), paper JW4L.7 (S. JW4L.7–JW4L.7). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2021.JW4L.7.
- Jaha, R., Delgado-Restituto, M., Fernández-Berni, J., Carmona, G. R., Häußler, M., Wolff, M. A., & Schuck, C. (). Design of a cryogenic Low Noise Amplifier. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Eich, A., Strassert, C. A., & Schuck, C. (). Integration of organic macromolecular compounds with nanophotonic waveguides. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Jan, O. J., Schrinner, P. P J., Schuck, C., & Reiter, D. E. (). Optimal Photonic Crystal Cavities for Coupling Nanoemitters to Photonic Integrated Circuits. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Schrinner, P. P J., Olthaus, J., Reiter, D., & Schuck, C. (). Cavity coupled nano scale quantum emitter for integrated photonic circuits. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Butz, M., & Schuck, C. (). Nanophotonic inverse design: A dynamic binarization function for the "objective-first" algorithm. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Wolff, M. A., Splitthoff, L., Grottke, T., Vogel, S., & Schuck, C. (). Nanophotonic tantalum pentoxide devices for integrated quantum technology. DPG Sprin Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Häußler, M., Mikhailov, M. Yu., Wolff, M. A., & Schuck, C. (). Amorphous superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors integrated with nanophotonic waveguides. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Wolff, M. A., Vogel, S., Häußler, M., Splitthoff, L., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors made from NbTiN thin films. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Wolff, M. A., Beutel, F., Hartmann, W., Häußler, M., Gehring, H., Stegmüller, R., Walter, N., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide Integrated Superconducting Single-Photon Detector Array for Ultra-Fast Quantum Optics Experiments. DPG Spring Meeting 2020, Hannover.
- Schlummer, P., Lauströer, J., Schulz-Schaeffer, R., Abazi, A., Schuck, C., Pernice, W. H.P., Heusler, S., & Laumann, D. (). MiReQu – Mixed Reality Lernumgebungen zur Förderung fachlicher Kompetenzentwicklung in den Quantentechnologien. In Grebe-Ellis, J., & Grötzebauch, H. (Hrsg.), PhyDid B (S. 451–459).
- Wolff, M., Beutel, F., Hausler, M., Gehring, H., Stegmuller, R., Walter, N., Hartmann, W., Tillmann, M., Wahl, M., Rohlicke, T., Bulter, A., Wernicke, D., Perlot, N., Rodiger, J., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector Array for Ultra-Fast Quantum Key Distribution. In IEEE (Hrsg.), Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS (S. 163003–163003). Wiley-IEEE Press.
- Gehring, H., Blaicher, M., Eich, A., Hartmann, W., Varytis, P., Busch, K., Schuck, C., Wegener, M., & Pernice, W. HP. (). Broadband fiber-to-chip coupling in different wavelength regimes realized by 3D-structures. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2020), paper JTh2B.22 (S. JTh2B.22–JTh2B.22). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2020.JTh2B.22.
- Schuck, C. (). Quantum computational supremacy (invited). General Physical Colloquium, Münster, Germany.
- Schuck, C. (). Nanophotonic detectors for Imaging with ultimate sensitivity (invited). Cells in Motion - Brown Bag Lunch, Münster, Germany.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips (invited). TNO Seminar, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips (invited). Schottky Seminars, Munich, Germany.
- Schuck, C. (). Nanophotonic circuit components for integrated quantum technology (invited). XXVII International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2019), Malaga, Spain.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips. Sonder-Seminar Fachbereich Physik, Münster, Deutschland.
- Schuck, C. (). Nanophotonic Devices for Quantum Information Processing (invited). IEEE International Nanodevices & Computing Conference (INC 2019), Grenoble, France.
- Wolff, M. A., Beutel, F., Hartmann, W., Häußler, M., Stegmüller, R., Walter, N., Tillmann, M., Wahl, M., Röhlicke, T., Bülter, A., Wernicke, D., Perlot, N., Rödiger, J., Pernice, W. H P., & Schuck, C. (). QuPAD - Waveguide Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Array for Ultra-Fast Parallelized Single-Photon Detection. Single Photon Workshop SPW-2019, Milano.
- Tillmann, M., Wahl, M., Röhlicke, T., Bülter, A., Wernicke, D., Wolff, M., Häußler, M., Walter, N., Stegmüller, R., Beutel, F., Pernice, W., Schuck, C., & Perlot, N. (). QuPAD - high bandwidth photon detection enabled by a massively parallelized system. Single Photon Workshop SPW-2019, Milano.
- Häußler, M., Wolff, M. A., Mikhailov, M. Yu., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-integrated SNSPDs from amorphous Molybdenum Silicide thin films. Single Photon Workshop SPW-2019, Milano.
- Wolff, M. A., Schütte, J., Häußler, M., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with photon number resolution. DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Rostock.
- Häußler, M., Wolff, M. A., Pernice, W., & Schuck, C. (). Waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors made from amorphous molybdenum silicide. DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Rostock.
- Splitthoff, L. J., Wolff, M. A., & Schuck, C. (). Development of Ta2O5 based photonic circuitry as new platform for integrated optics. DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Rostock.
- Olthaus, J., Schrinner, P., Schuck, C., & Reiter, D. (). Simulation of NV centers coupled to Si3N4 photonic crystal nanobeam cavities. DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Rostock.
- Schrinner, P., & Schuck, C. (). Integration of quantum emitters with SiN photonic circuits. DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Rostock.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated quantum photonics on silicon chips (invited). DPG Spring Meeting 2019, Rostock.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated Quantum Photonics (invited). CeNTech Science Breakfast, Münster, Deutschland.
- M, H., Wolff, A, M., P, P. W H., & C, S. (). Towards amorphous superconducting single-photon detectors integrated with nanophotonic waveguides. DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Erlangen.
- Schrinner, P., Otte, M., Henke, R., & Schuck, C. (). Nano-photonic circuits with integrated quantum emitter. DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Erlangen.
- Olthaus, J., Reiter, D. E., Schrinner, P., & Schuck, C. (). Coupling of quantum emitters in Si3N4 photonic crystal nanobeam cavities. DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Erlangen.
- Wolff, M. A., Lyatti, M., Ferrari, S., Schuck, C., & Pernice, W. H P. (). Towards Integrated High-Tc Superconducting Nanowire Hot Electron Bolometers. DPG Spring Meeting 2018, Erlangen.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips (invited). European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2018, Valencia, Spain.
- Schuck, C. (). Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips (invited). Optics and Photonics International Congress 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
- Schuck, C., Guo, X., Fan, L., Jung, H., Ma, X., Poot, M., Zou, C.-L., & Tang, H. X. (). Quantum photonics with superconducting single-photon detectors on silicon chips. DPG Spring Meeting 2017, Mainz.
- Guo, X., Zou, C., Schuck, C., Jung, H., Cheng, R., & Tang, H.X. (). High efficiency on-chip three wave parametric frequency conversion and its applications in both classical and quantum optics. In Society, A. P. (Hrsg.), Bulletin of the American Physical Society (S. (A51.12)). American Physical Society.
- Poot, M., Schuck, C., Ma, X., Guo, X., & Tang, H. (). Photonic circuits with superconducting detectors and optomechanical phase shifters for integrated quantum optics. In America, O. S. (Hrsg.), OSA Technical Digest (S. (FM1C.7)). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2016.FM1C.7.
- Guo, X., Zou, C.L., Schuck, C., Jung, H., Cheng, R., & Tang, H. (). On-chip photon pair source based on spontaneous parametric down conversion. In America, O. S. (Hrsg.), OSA Technical Digest (S. (FTh5G.4)). Optica.
- Fan, L., Sun, X., Xiong, C., Schuck, C., & Tang, H.X. (). Aluminum nitride piezo-optomechanical nanobeam cavity. In America, O. S. (Hrsg.), OSA Technical Digest (S. (CW1F. 5)). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2013.CW1F.5.
- Sun, X., Zhang, X., Schuck, C., & Tang, H.X. (). Nonlinear optical effects of ultrahigh-Q wavelength-sized silicon disk cavities immersed in superfluid helium. In America, O. S. (Hrsg.), OSA Technical Digest (S. (QTh4E. 5)). Optica. doi: 10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2013.QTh4E.5.
- Schuck, C., Pernice, W. HP., & Tang, HX. (). Low-noise NbTiN superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors integrated with Si3N4 waveguides (invited). In IEEE (Hrsg.), Photonics Conference (IPC), 2013 IEEE (S. (370)). Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/IPCon.2013.6656591.
- Xiong, C., Pernice, W., Schuck, C., & Tang, H. (). Second harmonic generation in aluminum nitride waveguides on silicon substrates. In Tang, H. (Hrsg.), Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2012 Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Schuck, C., Pernice, W.H.P., Minaeva, O., Li, M., Gol'tsman, G.N., Sergienko, A.V., & Tang, H.X. (). High efficiency, ultrafast superconducting single-photon detectors integrated with nanophotonic circuits (invited). Applied Superconductivity Conference 2012, Porland, Oregon, USA.
- Ghosh, J., Piro, N., Rohde, F., Schuck, C., Almendros, M., Huwer, J., Haase, A., Hennrich, M., Dubin, F., & Eschner, J. (). Interaction of a Single Trapped Ion with Heralded Single Photons. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2010 (2010), paper QPDA1 (S. QPDA1–QPDA1). Optica. doi: 10.1364/QELS.2010.QPDA1.
- Almendros, M., Rohde, F., Schuck, C., Huwer, J., Piro, N., Hennrich, M., Dubin, F., & Eschner, J. (). Single Photon Source for an Ion Trap Quantum Network. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference (2009), paper IMJ1 (S. IMJ1–IMJ1). Optica. doi: 10.1364/IQEC.2009.IMJ1.
- Rohde, F., Piro, N., Schuck, C., Almendros, M., Huwer, J., Hennrich, M., Haase, A., Mitchell, MW., Dubin, F., & Eschner, J. (). A Single Ion Interacting with Single Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion Photons. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), CLEO/Europe and EQEC 2009 Conference Digest (S. ED4_4–ED4_4). Optica.
- Rohde, F., Schuck, C., Almendros, M., Gehr, R., Hennrich, M., Dubin, F., Haase, A., Piro, N., Mitchell, M., & Eschner, J. (). Towards Interfacing Single Ions and Single Photons. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Frontiers in Optics 2008/Laser Science XXIV/Plasmonics and Metamaterials/Optical Fabrication and Testing (2008), paper FTuC2 (S. FTuC2–FTuC2). Optica. doi: 10.1364/FIO.2008.FTuC2.
- Rohde, F., Schuck, C., Hennrich, M., Almendros, M., Haase, A., Piro, N., Dubin, F., Mitchell, M., Gehr, R., & Eschner, J. (). Single Atom -- Single Photon Interfaces. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), International Conference on Quantum Information (S. QTuA3–QTuA3). Optica. doi: 10.1364/ICQI.2008.QTuA3.
- Eschner, J., Hennrich, M., Rohde, F., Schuck, C., Almendros, M., Gehr, R., Bushev, P., Rotter, D., Raab, C., Dubin, F., Mukherjee, M., Becher, C., Schmidt-Kaler, F., & Blatt, R. (). Single Atom - Single Photon Interaction: from Bad-Cavity QED to Remote Entanglement. In Group, O. P. (Hrsg.), Quantum-Atom Optics Downunder (S. QMB2–QMB2). Optica. doi: 10.1364/QAO.2007.QMB2.
- Hennrich, M., Rohde, F., Schuck, C., & Eschner, J. (). Towards probabilistic entanglement of distant atoms. In IEEE (Hrsg.), 2005 European Quantum Electronics Conference (S. 278–278). Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press. doi: 10.1109/EQEC.2005.1567444.
- Sánchez Postigo, Alejandro, Graham Scott, Connor, Gehring, Helge, Schütte, Jonas, Beutel, Fabian, Terhaar, Robin, Grottke, Thomas, Häußler, Matthias, Wolff, Martin Axel Pernice Wolfram und Schuck, Carsten, . Photonic integrated quantum communication receivers with superconducting nanowire detectors. In: EQTC 2023. Hannover.
- Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro, Graham-Scott, Connor und Schuck, Carsten, . Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors integrated in sub-wavelength grating metamaterial waveguides. In: EQTC 2023. Hannover.
- Schulte, Lukas, Butz, Marco und Schuck, Carsten, . Deep Learning Accelerated FDFD Simulations in Context of Inverse-Design Algorithms. In: DPG, Hrsg., Quantenoptik und Photonik. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 1–1.
- Lemli, David, Butz, Marco und Schuck, Carsten, . Fabrication of Computer-Generated Nanophotonic Devices. In: DPG, Hrsg., Quantenoptik und Photonik. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 1–1.
- Humberg, Niklas, Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro, Stellinga, Daan, Pinkse, Pepijn und Schuck, Carsten, . The Twente-Münster high-speed quantum key distribution link. In: DPG, Hrsg., Poster II (joint session QI/Q). Hannover, S. 1–1.
- Graham-Scott, Connor A., Häußler, Matthias, Mikhailov, Mikhail Yu. und Schuck, Carsten, . Waveguide-Intergrated Superconducting Nanowire Avalanche Single-Photon Detectors. In: DPG, Hrsg., Integrated Photonics II (joint session Q/QI). Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 1–1.
- Nenbangkaeo, Chaiyasit, Eich, Alexander, Spiekermann, Tobias und Schuck, Carsten, . Multi-channel waveguide-integrated single photon sources. In: DPG, Hrsg., Single Quantum Emitters (joint session Q/QI). Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 1–1.
- Peters, Marina, Abazi, Adrian, Wendland, Daniel, Buskasper, Tim, Lindloge, Lara, Gregor, Markus und Schuck, Carsten, . 3D Printed Optical Waveguide Structures with Microdiamonds containing NV Centers. In: DPG, Hrsg., Quantenoptik und Photonik. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 1–1.
- Bülter, Andreas, Tillmann, Max, Wahl, Michael, Röhlicke, Tino, Wernicke, Doreen, Wolff, Martin, Häussler, Matthias, Walter, Nicolai, Stegmüller, Robin, Beutel, Fabian, Pernice, Wolfram, Schuck, Carsten, Rödiger, Jasper, Langer, Torsten, Gerecke, Mario und Ortmann, Uwe, . High bandwidth photon detection enabled by a massively parallelized system. In: SPIE, Hrsg., Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation II. 1. Auflage Bellingham, WA: SPIE, S. 1–1. doi: 10.1117/12.2608713.
- Becker, Marlon, Drees, Dominik, Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Frank, Schuck, Carsten, Pernice, Wolfram und Risse, Benjamin, . Activation Functions in Non-Negative Neural Networks. In: Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS. New Orleans.
- Becker, Marlon, Butz, Marco, Lemli, David, Schuck, Carsten und Risse, Benjamin, . Combinatorial Optimization via Memory Metropolis: Template Networks for Proposal Distributions in Simulated Annealing applied to Nanophotonic Inverse Design. In: Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshop on AI for Accelerated Materials Design (AI4Mat-2023). New Orleans.
- Riegelmeyer, Jan, Eich, Alexander, Becker, Marlon, Risse, Benjamin und Schuck, Carsten, . Development of a nanophotonic nonlinear unit for optical artificial neural networks. In: DPG, Hrsg., Q 31 Photonics I. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 8–9.
- Graham-Scott, Connor A., Baldauf, Erik M., Häußler, Matthias, Mikhailov, Mikhail Yu. und Schuck, Carsten, . Waveguide-Intergrated Superconducting Nanowire Avalanche Single-Photon Detectors. In: DPG, Hrsg., Q 40 Optomechanics and Photonics. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 11–11.
- Spiekermann, Tobias, Eich, Alexander, Gehring, Helge, Sommer, Lisa, Bankwitz, Julian, Pernice, Wolfram und Schuck, Carsten, . High-yield placement of colloidal quantum dot single-photon sources on nanophotonic chips. In: DPG, Hrsg., Q 41 Nano-Optics. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 12–12.
- Lauströer, Jonas, Schulz-Schaeffer, Reinhard, Stuhrmann, Jochen, Borkamp, Rasmus, Abazi, Adrian, Schuck, Carsten, Pernice, Wolfram H. P., Heusler, Stefan, Schlummer, Paul und Laumann, Daniel, . Exploration wichtiger ästhetischer Qualitäten der Wissenschaftsillustration am Beispiel von MR- AR- und Web3D-Applikationen zur Präsentation von Experimenten in der Quantenphysik. In: DPG, Hrsg., DD 37 Postersession 2: Präsentation von Experimenten. Bad Honnef: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, S. 2–2.
- Häußler, Matthias, Beutel, Fabian, Gehring, Helge, Stegmüller, Robin, Walter, Nicolai, Wolff, Martin A., Hartmann, Wladick, Tillmann, Max, Wahl, Michael, Röhlicke, Tino, Bülter, Andreas, Wernicke, Doreen, Perlot, Nicolas, Rödiger, Jasper, Pernice, Wolfram H.P. und Schuck, Carsten, . Parallelizing single-photon detection for ultra-fast quantum key distribution. In: Qcrypt 2020. virtuell.
Wissenschaftliche Vorträge
- Schuck, Carsten : “Quantentechnologie mit integrierten photonischen Quellen, Schaltkreisen und supraleitenden Detektoren”. IPHT Colloquium, Jena, .
- Schuck, Carsten : „Die Zweite Quantenrevolution: Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Quantentechnologien“. DPG-Lehrerfortbildung (Low-Cost Schülerexperimente zur Quantentechnologie), Bad Honnef, .
- Schuck, Carsten; : “Quantum Technology with Photonic Integrated Sources, Circuits, and Superconducting Detectors”. Joan van der Waals Colloquium, Leiden, .
- Schuck, Carsten; : “Integrating Single Photon Sources, Circuits, and Detectors on Quantum Photonic Chips”. Center for Optical Sciences Seminar, Hong Kong, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Nano- and Microscale devices for integrated photonics and quantum technology”. Nano-Micro-Lithography Symposium, Center of Soft Nanoscience, University Münster, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Integrating single-photon sources, circuits and detectors on quantum photonic chips”. TUe Integrated Photonics Retreat 2023, Deurne, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Superconducting single-photon detectors beyond quantum technology applications”. Symposium LowRad – Low Radon in Dark Matter and Neutrino Experiments, Center of Soft Nanoscience, Universität Münster, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Applications and implementations of neural networks in photonics”. Workshop on Artificial 'Intelligence' and 'Intelligent' Matter? An Interdisciplinary Perspective, University of Münster, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Integrated quantum photonics”. Schottky Seminars, Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, München, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Nanophotonic devices for quantum information processing”. IEEE International Nanodevices and Computing Conference, INC 2019, MINATEC, Grenoble, Frankreich, .
- Schrinner, Philip : “Integration of quantum emitters with SiN photonic circuits”. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, Universität Rostock, Rostock, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips”. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2019, Universität Rostock, Rostock, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : „Integrierte Quantentechnologie“. CeNTech Science Breakfast: R&D in the Science Park, Center for NanoTechnology, Münster, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “III-nitride nanophotonics for integrated quantum technology”. CRHEA Seminar, CRHEA-CNRS, Valbonne, Frankreich, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Lensless imaging of neurons & ultra-fast single-photon detection”. Nano Meets Medicine, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, WWU Münster, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips”. European Conference on Integrated Optics, ECIO 2018, Ploytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spanien, .
- Wolff, Martin : “Towards high-Tc superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors”. Quantum Symposium 2018, 1st International Symposium on "Single Photon based Quantum Technologies", Max-Born-Saal, Berlin, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Integrated Quantum Photonics on Silicon Chips”. Optics & Photonics International Conference, OPIC 2018 International Conference on Nanophotonics and Nanooptoelectronics, ICNN 2018, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors for Integrated Quantum Photonics”. ADOPT-Winterschool 2018, Romme Alpin, Borlänge, Schweden, .
- Wolff, Martin : “Towards integrated High-Tc Superconducting single-photon detectors integrated with nanophotonic waveguides”. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2018, Universität Erlangen, Erlangen, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Integrated Quantum Photonics: single-photons in nanophotonic circuits”. TRR 61 Klausurtagung, Parkhotel Surenburg, Hörstel, .
- Schuck, Carsten : „Blockchain & Quantencomputer: Wie sicher ist die Blockchain Technologie?“ Blockchain – Chancen, Recht und Regulierung, Erbdrostenhof, Münster, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Quantum photonics with superconducting single-photon detectors on silicon chips”. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2017, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : „Quanten Computer: Ende und Neuanfang von IT-Sicherheit“. Vortrag am Instiitut für Informations-, Telekommunikations-, und Medienrecht (itm), ITM – Institut für Informations-, Telekommunikations- und Medienrecht, Zivilrechtliche Abteilung, WWU Münster, .
- Schuck, Carsten; Reiter, Doris : “Integrierte Quantenphotonik auf Silizium Chips”. Allgemeines Physikalisches Kolloquium, WWU Münster, Münster, Deutschland, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Silicon quantum photonics”. New Scientists at CeNTech present their research activities, Center for NanoTechnology, Münster, Germany, .
- Schuck, Carsten : “Silicon Quantum Photonics”. Minisymposium - "Trends in Nanoscience", Max Plank Institut für molekulare Biomedizin, Münster, Deutschland, .
Forschungsartikel (Buchbeiträge)
- Becker, M., Butz, M., Lemli, D., Schuck, C., & Risse, B. (). Learning Proposal Distributions in Simulated Annealing via Template Networks: A Case Study in Nanophotonic Inverse Design. In Antonacopoulos, A., Chaudhuri, S., Chellappa, R., Liu, C.-L., Bhattacharya, S., & Pal, U. (Hrsg.), 27th International Conference ICPR 2024: Bd. 27. Pattern Recognition (S. 188–202). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-78186-5_13.
- Pernice, W.H.P., Schuck, C., & Tang, H.X. (). Waveguide Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors on Silicon. In Hadfield, R. H., & Johansson, G. (Hrsg.), Quantum Science and Technology: Bd. 5. Superconducting Devices in Quantum Optics (S. 85–105). Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24091-6_4.
DE102019009399B4: Optical Device
"Optical Device" W. Pernice, C. Schuck, F. Beutel, N. Walter, H. Gehring, W. Hartmann, M. Wolff DE Patent No. DE102019009399B4 (granted Feb. 01, 2024)
Inventors: Wolfram Pernice, Carsten Schuck, Fabian Beutel, Nicolai Walter, Helge Gehring, Wladick Hartmann, Martin Wolff
Abstract: In an optical device for bidirectional coupling of a waveguide to an external medium, the coupling bandwidth of the optical device is to be broadened so that a wide spectrum of wavelengths can be coupled into an external medium through the optical device. This is achieved by the optical device comprising at least one taper structure, wherein the taper structure includes a beam input segment, the beam input segment being arranged to couple a light beam from the waveguide into the taper structure. The taper structure includes a beam output segment, the beam output segment being arranged to focus the light beam and couple it into the external medium. The taper structure between the beam input segment and the beam output segment includes at least a first reflective surface, the first reflective surface being arranged to deflect the light beam out of the plane of the waveguide, characterized in that the waveguide is designed as a freestanding waveguide arm.
DE102019115410B4: Optical Device
W. Pernice, C. Schuck, F. Beutel, N. Walter, H. Gehring, W. Hartmann, M. Wolff (2019) Optical Device. DE Patent No. DE102019115410B4 (granted 2023)
Inventors: Wolfram Pernice, Carsten Schuck, Fabian Beutel, Nicolai Walter, Helge Gehring, Wladick Hartmann, Martin Wolff
Abstract: Optical device for bidirectional coupling of a waveguide to an external medium comprising at least one taper structure, wherein the taper structure comprises a beam input segment, the beam input segment being set up in such a way coupling a light beam from the waveguide into the taper structure, the taper structure comprising a beam output segment, the beam output segment being set up in such a way as to focus the light beam. and into the external medium, and the taper structure between the beam input segment and the beam output segment comprises at least one first reflection surface, the first reflection surface being set up in such a way that Deflecting the light beam out of the plane of the waveguide, characterized in that the beam input segment is adjoined by a substantially conical or pyramidal area, the width and height of the conical or pyramidal area increasing increase linearly, and the conical or pyramidal area is followed by the beam output segment, the beam output segment comprising a substantially curved area, the substantially curved area containing the at least first reflective surface.
DE102020111150B4: Device for coupling optical waveguides to a detector array and use of the device in a broadband camera
W. Pernice, C. Schuck, N. Walter, H. Gehring, W. Hartmann, M. Wolff, F. Beutel (2020) Device for coupling optical waveguides to a detector array and use of the device in a broadband camera. DE Patent No. DE102020111150B4 (granted 2022)
Inventor: Wolfram Pernice, Carsten Schuck, Nicolai Walter, Helge Gehring, Wladick Hartmann, Martin Wolff, Fabian Beutel
Abstract: Device for coupling optical waveguides to a detector array, the device comprising:
at least one optical waveguide, at least one connection substrate, a detector array, the detector array comprising a plurality of detectors for detecting electromagnetic radiation, the detectors each comprising at least one planar waveguide, the planar waveguides on at least one surface of the connection substrate are arranged, the detectors of the detector array are superconducting single photon detectors, a superconducting nanowire being applied to the planar waveguide, the connecting substrate comprises at least one laser-written waveguide, the laser-written waveguide being set up in such a way as to connect the optical waveguide to the planar waveguide.US9500519B2: Superconducting single photon detector
H. Tang, W. Pernice, C. Schuck (2013) Superconducting single photon detector. US Patent No. US9500519B2 (granted 2016)
Inventors: Hongxing Tang, Wolfram Pernice, Carsten Schuck
Abstract: The present invention provides a device and system for high-efficiency and low-noise detection of single photons within the visible and infrared spectrum. In certain embodiments, the device of the invention can be integrated within photonic circuits to provide on-chip photon detection. The device comprises a traveling wave design comprising a waveguide layer and a superconducting nanowire atop of the waveguide.