ShraddhaSevlikar Dr. rer. nat. Impact of Defects in Nickel and Metal - Metal Composites on Grain boundary diffusion: A cross-scale study from Bi-crystal to Ultrafine grained materials (2025)
Dr.Mohan MuralikrishnaGarlapati Diffusion in metals and alloys, Grain boundary segregation and Grain boundary diffusion, Thermodynamics and kinetics, Phase transformations in materials, B2 aluminides, High entropy alloys, Functional materials (2025)
BijayLama Master of Science Influence of thermal treatment on the structural relaxation and mechanical properties of a Pd40Ni40P20 metallic glass (2024)
DanielGaertner Dr. rer. nat. Atomic Transport in High Entropy Alloys: Diffusion Kinetics in Equiatomic Singleand Bi-crystals and in Pseudo-Binary Couples (2020)
JanDöbbeld Master of Science Vergleich des Relaxationsverhaltens von glasartigen PdNiP- und PdNiS-Legierungen im Hinblick auf deren thermomechanische Vorgeschichte (2022)
ManuelLindenblatt Master of Science Synthesis of metallic glasses and refining the analysis of short and medium range order with electron diffraction (2021)
MostafaMohammed Master Thin film nano-calorimetry of phase transformations in material of reduced dimensions (2021)
JosuaKottke Master of Science Changes in microstructure and diffusion behaviour by adding a further element to four-component high-entropy alloys (2012)
VladislavKulitckii Dr. rer. nat. Influence of phase transition (magnetic and precipitation) on Bulk and Grain-bpundary diffusion on metallic system and alloys (2021)
HongboZhou Dr. rer. nat. Effects of Plastic Deformation and Annealing on the Relaxation, Crystallization and Mechanical Behaviors of Pd40Ni40P20 Metallic Glasses (2021)