© Lena Neuenkamp

Dr. Lena Neuenkamp

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group
Institute of Landscape Ecology
Heisenbergstr. 2, D-48149 Münster
room 503
phone +49(0)251-83 39 766
fax +49(0)251-83 38 338
e-mail lena.neuenkamp [@] uni-muenster.de

twitter @LNeuenkamp

consultation hours: on appointment


  • Research Interest

    I am plant community ecologist by training and added the belowground perspective on soils and their microbial life to my portfolio during my PhD. Now, fascinated by plant-soil interaction, and ecosystem functioning I am investigating the role of soil biota (such as mycorrhizal fungi) for plant diversity, ecosystem functioning, and ultimately the conservation and restoration of natural and urban ecosystems. Statistics is a sometimes complicated and therefore unappreciated tool in science, yet I like it and am intrigued to understand it and make it understandable more and more (see my Teaching 😊).


    • Mycorrhizal fungi
    • Plant-soil interaction
    • Grasslands
    • Drylands
    • Ecosystem Restoration
    • Urban Ecology
    • Functional Traits
    • Ecosystem Functioning
  • Teaching

    • Environmental Statistics II (Advanced Methods), Master Landscape Ecology
    • Restoration Ecology (Seminar), Master Landscape Ecology
    • Indicators of Soil Ecology (lecture, practical course), Master Landscape Ecology
    • Methods of Landscape Ecology (practical course), Bachelor Landscape Ecology
    • Supervision of research projects, BSc and MSc Theses
    • Field trips


    Topics for research projects and theses

    Please inform yourself on the page of the working group!

  • Curriculum vitae

    2022-present Assistant Professor at the University of Münster (GER), Institute of Landscape Ecology, Research Group: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (led by Prof. Dr. Norbert Hölzel)

    Post Doc, University of Alicante, Multidisciplinary Institute of Environmental Studies (E), Research Group: Dryland Lab (led by Prof. Dr. Fernando Maestre)

    Project: MYFUN - The contribution of mycorrhizal fungi to multifunctionality in global drylands. | Funder: EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (85472), European Commision | Role: Applicant | Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/835472


    Post Doc, University of Bern (CH), Institute of Plant Sciences, Research Group: Plant Ecology

    Project: Biodiversity Exploratories – Research for Biological Diversity | Funder: German Research Foundation (DFG) | Role: Post Doc in the Botany Core Team | Link: Biodiversity Exploratories


    Research specialist and fieldwork assistant, University of Tartu (EE), Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Department of Botany


    PhD in plant ecology and ecophysiology, University of Tartu (EE), Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Department of Botany

    Thesis title: “The dynamics of plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in grasslands under changing land use” (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Zobel, http://dspace.ut.ee/handle/10062/59635)


    Biologist (freelancer), contracted vegetation surveys for the ecological planning consultancy “Planungsbüro Stelzig” (https://buero-stelzig.de/startseite/) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) (Project: Biodiversity Exploratories)


    Master of Science in Landscape Ecology, University of Münster (GER), Institute of Landscape Ecology

    Thesis title: “Impact of management on the biodiversity-biomass relations in Estonian flooded meadows” (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Norbert Hölzel, Prof. Dr. Martin Zobel)

    Publication: Neuenkamp L, Metsoja JA, Zobel M, Hoelzel N. 2013. Impact of management on biodiversity-biomass relations in Estonian flooded meadows. Plant Ecology 214: 845-856

    2008-2010 Student Assistant, University of Münster (GER), Institute of Landscape Ecology and Geoinformatics for courses at the BSc-level (Vegetation mapping, GPS mapping)

    Bachelor of Science in Landscape Ecology, University of Münster (GER), Institute of Landscape Ecology

    Thesis title: “Development of a standardized colour scheme for the legend texts of compensation areas in nature conservation” (supervisors: André Kopka, Burkhard Herzig)

    Publication: Kopka A, Greiwe A, Neuenkamp L, Schulte A. 2010. Entwicklung eines Standards für das webbasierte Kompensationsflächenmanagement. Angewandte Informatik 22: 113-118.


  • Projects


    stay tuned…

    • RecovFun – Recovery mechanisms of above- and below-ground diversity and functions in grasslands, following an extensification in land use intensity. | Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) within the DFG-funded research platform “Biodiversity Exploratories (BE)“ |role: principal investigato (with Professor Dr. Norbert Hölzel and Dr. Ute Hamer) | duration: 2023-2026 | Link: RecovFun

    • CORREDORAS - Stability and resilience of plant communities on long-term scales: assessing co-occurrence ecological networks from paleoenvironmental records. | Funding: Ministerio de Ciencias, Spain | Role: Collaborator (with Pis Graciela Gil-Romera and Penelope Gonzales Samperiz | duration: 2024-2027 | Link: (project page is currently being set up)

    • DarkDiv – Data Contribution from the Biodiversity Exploratories grasslands to the global plant and soil sampling within the DarkDivNet and SoilDarkDivNet project (Collaborator: Prof. Dr. Markus Fischer) | Period 2020-present
    • BugNet – Data Contribution to the global plant, soil and insect sampling campaign within the BugNet project (Collaborator: Prof. Dr. Santiago Soliveres Codina) | Period 2021-present
    • Biodiversity Exploratories – Research for Biological Diversity | Funder: German Research Foundation (DFG) | Role: Post Doc in the Botany Core Team. Collaborator (DarkDiv) | Period: 2019-present | Link: Biodiversity Exploratories


    • MYFUN - The contribution of mycorrhizal fungi to multifunctionality in global drylands. | Funder: EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (85472), European Commision | Role: Applicant | Period: 2021-2022 | Link: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/835472
    • Bioveins: How does nature circulate through cities? | Funder: BiodivERsA, European H2020 ERA-NET COFUND (H2020 BiodivERsA32015104) | Role: Data contributor and lead of the soil sampling campaign and analysis of soil microbial communities | Period: 2017-2020 | Link: https://bioveins.eu/
  • Services, Memberships, Scientific Organizations

    Editorial board


    Membership in scientific organizations

    • Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), Member of GfÖ working group Urban Ecology
    • British Ecological Society (BES), Member of the Equality and Diversity Group
    • European Geocience Union (EGU)
    • German Floristisch-soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V.
    • Estonian semi-natural grassland association (PKÜ)
  • Publications

    International, peer-reviewed publications (* = equal contributions)

    For access see: Google Scholar

    Hoosein, S., Neuenkamp, L., Trivedi, P. & Paschke M. (2023). AM fungal-bacterial relationships: what can they tell us about ecosystem sustainability and soil functioning? Frontiers in Fungal Biology. https://doi.org/10.3389/ffunb.2023.1141963 (in press)

    Neuenkamp, L., & McGale, E. (2023). Empowered through our diversity: How to bring in a new age of plant science collaboration. Plants, People, Planet, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1002/ppp3.10390

    Prangel E, Kasari‐Toussaint L, Neuenkamp L, Noreika N, Karise R, Marja R, ... & Helm A 2023. Afforestation and abandonment of semi‐natural grasslands lead to biodiversity loss and a decline in ecosystem services and functions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(5), 825-836.

    Liang S, Arraiano-Castilho R, Neuenkamp L, Li H, Bai Z, Zhang M, ... & Wang X 2023. Rhizosphere fungal community assembly varied across functional guilds in a temperate forest. Ecological Processes, 12(1), 6.

    Saiz H, Neuenkamp L, Penone C, Birkhofer K, Bluthgen N, Boch S, ... & Allan E 2022. Land use intensification results in abrupt transitions between contrasting grassland states. Authorea Preprints.

    Freitag M, Hölzel N, Neuenkamp L, van der Plas F, Manning P, Abrahão A, ... & Klaus V 2022. Increasing plant species richness by seeding has marginal effects on ecosystem functioning in agricultural grasslands. Authorea Preprints.

    Bueno G, Meng Y, Neuenkamp L. (2022). How can mycorrhizal symbiosis mediate multiple abiotic stresses in woody plants. Flora 295, 152146.

    Chaudhary B, …, Neuenkamp L., et al. (2022). What are mycorrhizal traits? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 73, 573-581.

    Motivans E, …, Knight TM, Neuenkamp, L. 2021. Effects of different types of low-intensity management on plant-pollinator interactions in Estonian grasslands. Ecology & Evolution 11: 16909-16926.

    Neuenkamp L., Fischer L.K., Schröder R., Klaus V.H. 2021. Special Issue: Urban ecosystems: potentials, challenges, and solutions. Basic and Applied Ecology 56: 281-288.

    Sepp SK, Neuenkamp L, Moora M, Vasar M, Oja J, Davison J, Zobel M, Öpik M. 2021 Woody encroachment in grassland elicits complex changes in the functional structure of above- and belowground biota. Ecosphere 12, e03512.

    Pinho P, …, Neuenkamp L, …, Moretti M. 2021. Research agenda on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in European cities. Basic and Applied Ecology 53: 124-133.

    Vasar M., Davison J, Neuenkamp L, Sepp SK, Young P, Moora M, Öpik M. 2021. User-friendly bioinformatics pipeline gDAT (graphical downstream analysis tool) for analysing rDNA sequences. Molecular Ecology Resources 21: 1380-1392.

    Davison J, …, Neuenkamp L, …, Öpik M. 2021. Temperature and pH define the realized niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist 231: 763-776

    Neuenkamp L, Öpik M, Zobel M, Koorem K, Jairus T, Vasar M, Davison J, Moora M. 2021. Light availability and light demand of plants shape the arbuscular fungal communities in their roots. Ecology Letters 24: 426-437.

    Lampinen J, ..., Neuenkamp L, …, Klaus VH. 2021. Acceptance of near-natural greenspace management relates to ecological and socio-cultural assigned values among European urbanites. Basic and Applied Ecology 50: 119-131.

    Jimenez JJ, …, Neuenkamp L, …, Zhang C. 2020. Soil Fauna - key to soil organic matter dynamics and modelling. Handbook of methods. COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. ISBN: 978-84-09-20181-5.

    Fischer L*, Neuenkamp L*, Lampinen J, Tuomi M, Alday J et al. 2020. Public attitudes towards biodiversity friendly greenspace management in European cities. Conservation Letters: e12718. *equal contributions

    Neuenkamp L, Zobel M, Lind E, Gerz M, Moora M 2019 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition determines the competitive response of two grassland forbs. PLOS ONE 14(7): e0219527. 

    Neuenkamp L. 2018. The dynamics of plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in grasslands under changing land use. Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 333. University of Tartu Press, Tartu. ISBN 1024-6479. (http://dspace.ut.ee/handle/10062/59635)

    Neuenkamp L, Prober SM, Price JN, Zobel M, Standish RJ. 2018. Benefits of mycorrhizal inoculation to ecological restoration depend on plant functional type, restoration context and time. Fungal Ecology 40: 140-149.

    Garcia de Leon D, Neuenkamp L, Moora M, Öpik M, Davison J, Pena-Veneqas CP, Vasar M, Jairus T, Zobel M. 2018. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in tropical rainforest are resilient to slash-and-burn agriculture. Journal of Tropical Ecology 34: 186-199.

    Neuenkamp L, Moora M, Öpik M, Davison J, Gerz M, Männistö M, Jairus T, Vasar M, Zobel M. 2018. The role of plant mycorrhizal type and status in modulating the relationship between plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist 220: 1237-1247.

    Garcia de Léon D, Neuenkamp L, Gerz M, Oja E, Zobel M. 2016. Secondary succession in alvar grasslands-do changes in vascular plant and cryptogam communities correspond? Folia Geobotanica 51: 285–296

    Garcia de Léon D, Moora M, Öpik M, Jairus T, Neuenkamp L, Vasar M, Bueno CG, Gerz M, Davison J, Zobel M. 2016. Dispersal of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant during succession. Acta Oecologica 77: 128-135.

    Neuenkamp L, Lewis RJ, Koorem K, Zobel K, Zobel M. 2016. Changes in dispersal and light capturing traits explain post-abandonment community change in semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 1222-1232.

    García de León D, Moora M, Öpik M, Neuenkamp L, Gerz M, Jairus T, Vasar M, Bueno CG, Davison D, Baldrian MP. 2016. Symbiont dynamics during ecosystem succession: co-occurring plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. FEMS Microbiology and Ecology 92: fiw097.

    Metsoja JA, Neuenkamp L, Zobel M. 2014. Seed bank and its restoration potential in Estonian flooded meadows. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 262-273.

    Neuenkamp L, Metsoja JA, Zobel M, Hoelzel N. 2013. Impact of management on biodiversity-biomass relations in Estonian flooded meadows. Plant Ecology 214: 845-856.

    Metsoja JA, Neuenkamp L, Pihu S, Vellak K, Kalwij JM, Zobel M. 2011. Restoration of flooded meadows in Estonia – vegetation changes and indicators. Journal of Applied Vegetation Science 15: 231-244.


    Organised Special lssues

    Urban ecosystems – challenges, potentials and solutions. Basic and Applied Ecology 2021. Team: Dr. Lena Neuenkamp, PD. Dr. Valentin H. Klaus, Prof. Dr. Leonie Fischer und Dr. Roland Schröder.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/basic-and-applied-ecology/special-issue/10L26BJZZQ1


    Outreach and Science Communication


    Multifunctionality comes into play: stay tuned



    Neuenkamp L, Maaroufi N. 2020. Tiny Fungi in the soil are like medicine for nature. Frontiers Young Minds 8: 557383. (doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.557383)

    Neuenkamp L, Prober SM, Price JN, Zobel M, Standish RJ. 2018. Mycorrhizal fungi benefit ecosystem restoration, but how much depends on plant functional type, restoration context and time. Australasian Plant Conservation: Journal of the Australian Network for Plant Conservation 27: 7-9.

    Tamme R, Neuenkamp L. 2017. Taimede dieedil hoidmiseks kulub igal aastal 500 kilogrammi suhkrut. Novaator (20.7.2017): Novaator article

    Kopka A, Greiwe A, Neuenkamp L, Schulte A. 2010. Entwicklung eines Standards für das webbasierte Kompensationsflächenmanagement. Angewandte Informatik 22: 113-118.



    Urban Biodiversity – do needs of nature and people meet? | Event: Advances Seminars of Ecology, University of Alicante, March 2021 | Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSD5K9ZgQEY&t=3156s (English)

    Light availability and mycorrhizal fungi – the carbon negotiation | Event: Journal Club of the South-American Association of Mycorrhizas on the paper Neuenkamp et al. (2021, Ecology Letters) "Light availability and light demand of plants shape the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in their roots" | Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLsksYX-vFc&t=1493s (English)