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Tutorials/material on device integration:

How to use devices via different protocols, interface and bus systems (e.g. GPIB, RS232, VXI, PXI, Serial/RS232, USB, Ethernet) using the VISA standard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_instrument_software_architecture) and the SCPI language (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Commands_for_Programmable_Instruments):

How to call vendor-provided software libraries/'c.dlls':

  • c.dlls are usually called from within a C/C++ code (or indirectly from within Python code)
  • for information on what functionality is available and on how to access it, you have to consult the vendor-supplied documentation for their software library

What programming standards should I adhere to, so that my code can be included in our repository?

... Robert? ...


Device integration with elabFTW:



Planned steps:

Organization of Workshop (as a preparation for the following steps)

Generation of WWU-specific tutorials

Setup of a WWU-specific repository (with appropriate programming standards)