Sebastian Hackler

Corrensstr. 24
48149 Münster

s: Sebastian Hackler

  • Research Areas

    • experimental and theoretical petrology, geochemistry, cosmogeochemistry
  • CV


    MSc. Geosciences: Trace Element Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Martian Meteorites
    BSc. Geosciences: Geothermobarometry and the study of kelyphite formation in garnet peridotites from South Africa


    Student Assistent - Institute for Mineralogy WWU Münster, Prof. PhD Erik Scherer
    Apprenticeship Assistant Tax Consultant - Kolleß und Partner GmbH

    External Function

    Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft e.V.
  • Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)

    • Loroch Dominik, Hackler Sebastian, Rohrbach Arno, Klemme Stephan. (). Partitioning of siderophile but volatile elements during late stages of core formation. In Sixtheenth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Clermont Ferrand, Frankreich.

    • D. Loroch, S. Hackler, A. Rohrbach, S. Klemme. (). SIDEROPHILE VOLATILE ELEMENT PARTITIONING DURING CORE FORMATION. In AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.
    • Loroch D, Hackler S, Rohrbach A & Klemme S. (). SIDEROPHILE VOLATILE ELEMENT PARTITIONING DURING CORE FORMATION. In 2nd Planetary workshop, Nizza.