Research Focus
- Properties of high P-T fluids
Academic Education
- Marie Curie Fellow
- Postdoctoral Researcher Cambridge University
- Postdoctoral researcher University of Bristol
- Postdoc - The Australian National University (ANU)
- SNF Fellow - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France)
- PhD Student - ETH Zurich
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship – European Commission
- Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship – Swiss National Science Foundation
- SPP 2238 - Subproject: Hydrothermal transport of Sn and W: in-situ constraints on fluid composition and metal complexes at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: LO 2727/1-1
- SPP 2238 - Subproject: Hydrothermal transport of Sn and W: in-situ constraints on fluid composition and metal complexes at the magmatic-hydrothermal transition ( – )
Research Articles (Journals)
- Loges, A., M, M., Louvel, M., Wilke, M., Jahn, S., Welter, E., Borchert, M., Qiao, S., Klemme, S., & Keller, B. J. (). Complexation of Zr and Hf in fluoride-rich hydrothermal aqueous fluids and its significance for high field strength element fractionation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 366, 167–181. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2023.12.013.
- Klemme, S., Feldhaus, M., Potapkin, V., Wilke, M., Borchert, M., Louvel, M., Loges, A., Rohrbach, A., Weitkamp, P., Welter, E., Kokh, M., Schmidt, C., & Testemale, D. (). A hydrothermal apparatus for X-ray absorption spectroscopy of hydrothermal fluids at DESY. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92, 063903. doi: 10.1063/5.0044767.
- Stefan, F., Marion, L., Angelika, D. R., Monica, A., Simone, A., Remo, N. W., & Simon, AT. R. (). Effect of salinity, pressure and temperature on the solubility of smithsonite (ZnCO3) and Zn complexation in crustal and upper mantle hydrothermal fluids. Chemical Geology, 578, 120320. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120320.
- Flemetakis, S., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., Genske, F., Cadoux, A., Louvel, M., & Rohrbach, A. (). An Improved Electron Microprobe Method for the Analysis of Halogens in Natural Silicate Glasses. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26, 1–10. doi: 10.1017/S1431927620013495.
- Louvel, M., WE Drewitt, J., Ross, A., Thwaites, R., J Heinen, B., S Keeble, D., M Beavers, C., J Walter, M., & Anzellini, S. (). The HXD95: a modified Bassett-type hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell for in situ XRD experiments up to 5 GPa and 1300 K. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 27, 529–537. doi: 10.1107/S1600577519016801.
- Louvel, M., Cadoux, A., A. Brooker, R., Proux, O., & Hazemann, J.-L. (). New insights on Br speciation in volcanic glasses and structural controls on halogen degassing. American Mineralogist, 105, 795–802. doi: 10.2138/am-2020-7273.
- Louvel, M., Sanchez-Valle, C., Malfait, WJ., Pokrovski, GS., Borca, CN., & Grolimund, D. (). Bromine speciation and partitioning in slab-derived aqueous fluids and silicate melts and implications for halogen transfer in subduction zones. SOLID EARTH, 11, 1145–1161. doi: 10.5194/se-11-1145-2020.
- Guan, QS., Mei, Y., Etschmann, B., Testemale, D., Louvel, M., & Brugger, J. (). Yttrium complexation and hydration in chloride-rich hydrothermal fluids: A combined ab initio molecular dynamics and in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 281, 168–189. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.04.015.
- Peter, G. M., Marion, L., Silvia, C., Christopher, P. J., Darren, J. B., Keith, R. H., Ian, AX. Y., Yukihiko, S., Christoph, R., J, F. W., David, A. R., & Thomas, B. S. (). Provenance of uranium particulate contained within Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 ejecta material. Nature Communications, 10. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10937-z.
- Basire, M., Mouhat, F., Fraux, G., Bordage, A., Hazemann, J.-L., Louvel, M., Spezia, R., & Bonella, S. a. (). Fermi resonance in CO2: Mode assignment and quantum nuclear effects from first principles molecular dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146 (13), 134102. doi: 10.1063/1.4979199.
- Louvel, M., Bordage, A., Tripoli, B., Testemale, D., & Hazemann, J.-L. a. (). Effect of S on the aqueous and gaseous transport of Cu in prophyry and epithermal systems : Constraints from in situ XAS measurements up to 600 C and 300 bars. Chemical Geology, 466, 500–511. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.06.039.
- Louvel, M., Bordage, A., Da, S.-C. C., Testemale, D., Lahera, E., Del, N. W., Geaymond, O., Debussy, J., & Argoud, R. a.-L. (). A high-pressure high-temperature setup for in situ Raman spectroscopy of supercritical fluids. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 205, 54–60. doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2014.09.032.
- Louvel, M., Bordage, A., Testemale, D., & Zhou, L. a. (). Hydrothermal controls on the genesis of REE deposits : Inisghts from an in situ XAS study of Yb solubility and speciation in high temeprature fluids (T<400C). Chemical Geology, 417, 228–237. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.10.011.
- Louvel, M., Sanchez-Valle, C., Malfait, W.J., Cardon, H., & Testemale, D. a.-L. (). Constraints on the mobilization of Zr in magmatic-hydrothermal processes in subduction zones from in situ fluid-melt partitioning experiments. American Mineralogist, 99, 1616-1625. doi: 10.2138/am.2014.4799.
- Louvel, M., Sanchez-Valle, C., Malfait, W.J., & Testemale, D. a.-L. (). Zr complexation in high pressure fluids and silicate melts and implications for the mobilization of HFSE in subduction zones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 104, 281–299. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.11.001.
Marion Louvel
Corrensstr. 24, room 128
48149 Münster
T: +49 251 83 36107