Portrait of Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt
© IfK

High honor: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt appointed ICA Fellow

(30.05.2023) A remarkable achievement for an IfK scholar: Professor Dr. Thorsten Quandt was appointed as an ICA Fellow at the International Communication Association (ICA) conference in Toronto. Only the most distinguished representatives of the field are inducted into communication studies' „Hall of Fame".

The criteria for election as a Fellow are distinguished scholarly contributions and a documented record of scholarly achievement. The admission process is demanding – it requires a proposal from the ranks of the ICA members, a subsequent election of the other fellows, and confirmation by the ICA Board of Directors.

Thorsten Quandt is widely known for his groundbreaking work in online research, journalism, and games studies (a field he established as part of communication studies). His work on participation on the Internet has become a classic in the field, and his research on disinformation and „dark participation“ has sparked academic and societal debates worldwide. Due to his internationally well-received work, Prof. Quandt is one of the most cited communication scholars of his generation. The ICA's tribute also states: “During his 25 years in academia, he (co-) published more than 200 journal articles and book chapters, plus numerous books. His research has been published in leading journals in the field, including Journals of communication, Human Communication Research and Digital Journalism. […] The outstanding quality of Quandt's work is reflected by numerous awards, fellowships and invitations as visiting scholar to leading academic institutions such as the University of Oxford and Stanford University. Quandt is a bridge builder who worked together with scholars from all over the world.”

Currently, only three other active professors from German universities are ICA Fellows, making Prof. Quandt's appointment a rare and prestigious honor. The majority of Fellows come from top American universities, including luminaries of the field such as Maxwell McCombs, the pioneer of Agenda Setting, George Gerbner, known for his cultivation theory, and the pioneers of the Uses-And-Gratifications approach, Elihu Katz and Karl Rosengren, and Everett Rogers, the inventor of the diffusion of innovations approach.

Founded in 1950, the ICA is recognized as the premier international professional society for communication studies. With over 5000 members from 80 nations, it presents the latest research at its annual meetings through a rigorous selection process.

The IfK congratulates Prof. Quandt on this exceptional award and is proud to provide a productive environment for leading international research.

Contact person public relations:
Dr. Stephan Völlmicke
Telefon: +49 251 83-23006
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