Dark Participation: Eight Journalism Researchers* Guests in Master’s Seminar
(25.05.2020) This semester, Prof. Thorsten Quandt was able to attract six of the most sought-after international journalism researchers* and two journalists from Spiegel Online and Süddeutsche Zeitung for guest lectures in his master's seminar "Dark Participation: The Rise and Fall of the "Participation" Concept in Journalism and (New) Media".
About 15 years ago, participation on the Net was considered a promising concept for the renewal of journalism and public communication. Visionary ideas of a society with the participation of all citizens in public debates were developed, all the way to John Hartley's revelling dictum "Everybody is a journalist!"
A few years later, disappointment is spreading in science. Little has remained of the original optimism - on the contrary: the focus is now on dysfunctional, even malicious forms of "dark participation" on the Net, from "trolling" to "bullying" and "hate speech" to strategic disinformation.
How did this development come about - and what does it mean for journalism?
This question will be answered in the master’s seminar "Dark Participation" by some of the world's most renowned journalism researchers* in a series of interactive Zoom meetings. They will provide insight into their current research on participatory (online) journalism, but also discuss with students how they themselves have perceived the changes. The well-known Spiegel online columnist Christian Stöcker and Daniel Wüllner, team leader for social media and reader dialogue at SZ.de, will complement the top-class round with a practical perspective.
Interested students of the IfK can contact Prof. Quandt (thorsten.quandt@uni-muenster.de) by e-mail to participate in the guest lectures.
Unless stated otherwise, the guest lectures will begin at about 4:30pm. The access data for the Zoom meetings will be communicated individually.
26.05. David Domingo (Université libre de Bruxelles)
27.05. Jane Singer (City University London) - 6:00pm
09.06. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen (Cardiff University)
18.06. Daniel Wüllner (Süddeutsche Zeitung) - 4:00pm
16.06. Oscar Westlund (Oslo Metropolitan University)
23.06. Mark Deuze (University of Amsterdam)
30.06. Christian Stöcker (HAW Hamburg / Spiegel Online)
07.07. Alfred Hermida (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) - 6:00 pm