Research Areas
- Managment of complex information systems and information infrastructure
- Doctoral Studies, Innsbruck Unbiversity (Austria) PhD in High Energy Physics (ALEPH/CERN)
- Diploma in Physics, Innsbruck University (Austria) Diploma Thesis on Quantum Field Theory
- Professor, Schoool of Business and Economics, University of Münster
- CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the University of Münster
- Director of CIT, University of Münster, Münster (Germany)
- Managing Direcctor, HITT - Health Information Technology Tirol GmbH (Centre of Excellence in Medical Information Technology), Innsbruck (Austria)
- Award of Certificate "Medical Informatics" by GMDS
- Lecturer in medical informatics, UMIT - university for health and life sciences, Hall (Austria)
- Managing Director (part time), icoserve information technologies GmbH (medical image data management and eHealth systems), Innsbruck (Austria)
- Deputy Head of IT, Innsbruck University Hospital, Innsbruck (Austria)
- University Assistent, Institute for Experimental Physics, Innsbruck University, Innsbruck (Austria)
- EUNIS Elite Award – European University Information Systems organisation
External Functions
- European University Information Systems Organisation (EUNIS) (Chair of the Scientific Committee)
- DINI - Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation (Member of the Board)
- European University Information Systems Organisation (EUNIS) (Board of Directors, President)
- European University Information Systems organisation (EUNIS) (Board of Directors, Treasurer)
- AIS - Association for Information Systems
- IT Board of Universities in NRW: member of the the executive team
- DINI - German initiative for network information
- DFN - german research network
- ZKI - Centers for communication and information
- ARNW - Arbeitskreis der Leiter wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren in NRW
- GMDS - Society for medical informatics
- SFB TRR 332 – CRC TRR 332: Neutrophils - origin, fate & function ( – )
Main DFG-Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: TRR 332/1 2022 - sciebo RDS – sciebo Research Data Services (II) – Research Data Management Services and Tools for Scientists ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Scientific Library Services and Information Systems | Project Number: TR 864/11-1; VO 1580/3-1 - CRC 1450 INF - Research data management and infrastructures for visualization, analysis and sustainable software development ( – )
Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: SFB 1450/1, INF - RTG 2149: Strong and Weak Interactions - from Hadrons to Dark Matter ( – )
Main DFG-Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Research Training Group | Project Number: GRK 2149/2 - CS3MESH4EOSC – Interactive and agile/responsive sharing mesh of storage, data and applications for EOSC ( – )
EU-Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: EC H2020 - Research and innovation actions | Project Number: 863353 - pyMOR – pyMOR - Sustainable Software for Model Order Reduction ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Scientific Library Services and Information Systems | Project Number: RA 3055/1-1 - RTG 2149 - Strong and Weak Interactions - from Hadrons to Dark Matter ( – )
Main DFG-Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Research Training Group | Project Number: GRK 2149/1 - LAN-Bau – Ausbau des Kommunikationssystems der WWU Münster ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Major Research Instrumentation | Project Number: INST 211/531-1 LAGG N - Sync & Share NRW – Einführung und Betrieb eines landesweiten Cloud-Speicherdienstes für Forschung und Lehre ( – )
Individual Granted Project: Wirtschaft, Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia - HPC-Cluster PALMA II ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Major Research Instrumentation, Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia | Project Number: INST 211/667-1 FUGG - Wissenschaftliche Begleitung Sync & Share NRW ( – )
Individual Granted Project: ownCloud GmbH - Bandarchiv 2 – New Magnetic Tape Archive System for Muenster University ( – )
Individual Granted Project: Federal State of North Rhine-Westfalia | Project Number: 2002089406 - Erstellung von Musterverträgen für hochschulübergreifende Kooperationsprojekte im IT-Bereich ( – )
Individual Granted Project: Federal Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia - Konzepterarbeitung Kommunikationssystem für die Hochschule Ruhr West ( – )
Individual Granted Project: Other public funder - Konzepterarbeitung für den Aufbau des Kommunikationssystems der Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt ( – )
Individual Granted Project: Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt - MIRO – Münster Information System for Research and Organization ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Scientific Library Services and Information Systems | Project Number: INST 2098/1-1 (ehemals: GZ 554975(2), BIB 48 MSuv 02-02) - HPC – HPC-Cluster PALMA ( – )
Individual Granted Project: DFG - Major Research Instrumentation | Project Number: INST 211/489-1 FUGG
- SFB TRR 332 – CRC TRR 332: Neutrophils - origin, fate & function ( – )
- . (). Cyber security threats and how to deal with them. In (Eds.): Proceedings of European University Information Systems Congress 2023 , pp. 285–290. online: EasyChair. doi: 10.29007/nlp4.
- . (). Bringing HPC clusters into Science Mesh. In (Eds.): Proceedings of European University Information Systems Congress 2023 , pp. 249–256. online: EasyChair. doi: 10.29007/gfjd.
- . (). David against Goliath: How a University Cloud Succeeds in the Niche of Higher Education – a User Survey. In (Eds.): Proceedings of EUNIS 2022 – The 28th International Congress of European University Information Systems , pp. 34–43. Göttingen: EasyChair. doi:
- . (). Moving the sciebo Sync and Share Cloud Service to State of the Art Cloud Technology. In (Eds.), Proceedings of the European University Information Systems Conference 2021 (pp. 98–107). doi: 10.29007/z46q.
- . (). JupyterHub on an on-premises cloud -- a special focus on GPU Accelerated Machine Learning and 3D Visualization. In (Eds.), Proceedings of the European University Information Systems Conference 2021 (pp. 69–76). doi: 10.29007/f8vp.
- . (). Joint Forces: Merging Competencies and Cultures in University IT. In (Eds.), Proceedings of the European University Information Systems Conference 2021 (pp. 22–30). doi: 10.29007/knhp.
- . (). Obscure Qubits and Membership Amplitudes. In (Eds.), Topics on Quantum Information Science (p. 20). London: IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.98685.
- . (). Polyadic Braid Operators and Higher Braiding Gates. Universe, 7(8), 301.
- . (). How to Design a Research Data Management Platform? Technical, Organizational and Individual Perspectives and Their Relations. In (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information. HCII 2020. (pp. 324–337). Cham: Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50017-7_23.
- The sciebo.RDS Project: Who says research data management has to be complicated? In EUNIS 2019, Trondheim, Norwegen. ().
- Welcome Aboard! Supporting the Process of Integrating New Staff with Onboarding Tools. In EUNIS 2019, Trondheim, Norwegen. ().
- Blueprint for an Open Source On-Premise Cloud Infra-structure to Serve as a Research Data Infrastructure for Universities. In EUNIS 2019, Trondheim, Norwegen. ().
- . (). Bringing Structure to Research Data Management Through a Pervasive, Scalable and Sustainable Research Data Infrastructure. In (Eds.), The Art of Structuring. Brindging the Gap Between Information Systems Research and Practice (pp. 501–514). Springer VDI Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-06234-7_47.
- . (). Creating Easy-to-Use Research Data Management Workflows - From Data Management Plan to Long-Term Archiving. In Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R), Lissabon.
- The Digital Transformation of Teaching in Higher Education from an Academic’s Point of View: An Explorative Study. In HCII, Las Vegas, USA. ().
- . (). Introduction to the Minitrack on Research Data and Knowledge Systems. In 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Big Island, Hawaii. doi: 10.24251/HICSS.2018.555.
- . (). Do Researchers Dream of Research Data Management? In (Ed.): Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. doi: 10.24251/HICSS.2018.556.
- Creating a Sustainable Open Source Based Research Data Infrastructure for Noth Rhine-Westphalia – with a View to the National RDI Perspective and the EOSC. In EUNIS 2018, Paris. ().
- How to Foster Open Access? An Empirical Evaluation of the Obstacles hindering OA-Publication. In EUNIS 2018, Paris. ().
- Digitalization of Higher Education from an Academic’s Point of View. In EUNIS 2018, Paris. ().
- Between Termination and Adoption - The ExUsers’ Valley. In The 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco. ().
- . (). Research Data Infrastructures – A Perspective for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. In EUNIS 2017, Münster.
- Digital Transformation in Higher Education - New Cohorts, New Requirements? In 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, USA. ().
- Digitalization of Higher Education from a Student’s Point of View. In EUNIS 2017, Münster. ().
- A Requirements Engineering Process for User Centered IT Services - Gathering Service Requirements for the University of the Future . In (Eds.), Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory, Methodology, and Management. 6th International Conference, DUXU 2017, Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9-14, 2017, Proceedings, Part I (pp. 275–293). Springer VDI Verlag. ().
- Sciebo macht Dropbox & Co an Hochschulen überflüssig. Cyber Security Report, 2017, 32–35. ().
- How to Improve Research Data Management – The Case of sciebo (science box). In (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services. 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016 Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings, Part II. (pp. 434–442). Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40397-7_41. ().
- Predictions on Service Adoption and Utilization Meet Reality. First Results from the sciebo (science box) Project . In (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Third International Conference, LCT 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 17-22, 2016, Proceedings. (pp. 639–649). Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-39483-1_58. ().
- How to Build a Cloud Storage Service for Half a Million Users in Higher Education: Challenges Met and Solutions Found. In (Ed.): Proceedings of the 49th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016) , pp. 4272–4281. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.658. ().
- Challenging Dropbox: The Adoption and Usage of New Cloud Storage Service "sciebo" at German Universities. In EUNIS 2016: Crossroads where the past meets the future. EUNIS 22nd Annual Congress, Book of Proceedings , pp. 19–29. Thessaloniki. ().
- How Do Researchers Manage their Data? An Empirical Comparison between Policies and Practice. In EUNIS 2016: Crossroads where the past meets the future. EUNIS 22nd Annual Congress, Book of Proceedings. , pp. 330–340. Thessaloniki. ().
- Research Data Management: Wishful Thinking or Reality? Results of a Survey among Scientists. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 38(3). doi: 10.1515/pik-2015-0009. ().
- sciebo – the Campuscloud: a Sync and Share Cloud Storage Service for the Academic and Research Community in North Rhine-Westphalia. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 38(3). doi: 10.1515/pik-2015-0007. ().
- . (). Sync&Share North Rhine-Westphalia: a case on a university-based cloud computing service provider. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 5(4), 20–26. doi: 10.1057/jittc.2015.4.
- Building an Academic Cloud for 500,000 Users. eleed, 11. ().
- sciebo — theCampuscloud for NRW. In 21st EUNIS Congress, Dundee, Schottland , pp. 15–26. ().
- . (). Sync&Share North Rhine-Westphalia. In 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014), Tel Aviv.
- Demand for cloud services as an infrastructure in higher education. In 35th International Conference on Information Systems: Building a Better World Through Information Systems, ICIS 2014, Auckland, New Zealand Association for Information Systems. ().
- Cloud storage services in higher education - Results of a preliminary study in the context of the Sync&Share-project in Germany. In (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing and Developing Novel Learning Experiences. First International Conference, LCT 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014, Proceedings, Part I. (pp. 161–171). Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07482-5_16. ().
- Sync & Share NRW - Von einer studentischen Anfrage zum Großprojekt. In (Hrsg.), Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz. Proceedings der Tagung "Cloudspeicher im Hochschuleinsatz" am 05. und 06. Mai 2014 am IT-Service-Center (tubIT) der Technischen Universität Berlin (S. 5–19). Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin. ().
- Integriertes Informationsmanagement an der Universität Münster. Abschlussbericht des Projektes MIRO – Münster Information System for Research and Organization. Münster: Monsenstein & Vannerdat. (Hrsg.). ().
- Designing a Large Scale Cooperative Sync&Share Cloud Storage Platform for the Academic Community in Northrhine-Westfalia. In (Ed.): ICT Role for Next Generation Universities - 19th European University Information Systems - EUNIS 2013 Congress Proceedings , pp. 205–208. Riga: Riga Technical University. ().
- Fortschritte des integrierten Informationsmanagements an Hochschulen - Integrierte Bereitstellung, einheitlicher Zugang und individuelle Verteilung. 1st Ed. Münster: Monsenstein & Vannerdat. (Hrsg.). ().
- . (). Hochverfügbarkeitsdesign für das Datennetz eines Universitätsklinikums unter Gesichtspunkten der Anforderungen klinischer Systeme. In (Hrsg.), 4. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologie 20./21. Juni 2011, Bonn (S. 15–24). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik.
- . (). Netzentwicklungskonzept für ein großes Universitätsnetzwerk – Bestandspflege und Erschließung neuer Technologien. In (Eds.): 3. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien Verteilte Systeme im Wissenschaftsbereich , pp. 45–63. Bonn.
- . (). Integriertes Informationsmanagement an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster – das Projekt MIRO. In (Hrsg.), Informationsmanagement an Hochschulen (S. 47–62). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer VDI Verlag.
- . (). Integriertes Informationsmanagement an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 32(1), 16–23. doi: 10.1515/piko.2009.004.
- . (). Eine Erhebung zu elektronischen Gesundheitsakten-Architekturen in Europa. In (Hrsg.), TELEMED 2007 Electronic Health Record und Gesundheitsportale (S. 15–23). Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.
- . (). Unternehmensweite Erschließung von Informationsquellen durch fortschrittliche Suchmaschinentechnologie. Erfahrungen aus dem MIRO Projekt der WWU Münster. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 31(3), 179–184. doi: 10.1515/piko.2008.0031.
- . (). Data integrity management for medical image data archive using digital signatures and time-stamp certificates. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2(1 SUPPL.), S301–S302.
- . (). Management of and access to virtual electronic health records. Lecture notes in computer science, 4877 LNCS, 338–347.
- . (). E-health approach to link-up actors in the health care system of Austria. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 124, 415–20.
- . (). Medical Data GRIDs as approach towards secure cross enterprise document sharing (based on IHE XDS). Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 124, 377–83.
- . (). From a paper-based transmission of discharge summaries to electronic communication in health care regions. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 75(3-4), 209–215. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2005.07.018.
- . (). Teleradiology and PACS--strategy of the Innsbruck University Hospital. Radiologe, 45(8), 704–711. doi: 10.1007/s00117-005-1229-7.
- . (). The Innsbruck Advanced Image Management (AIM) project - a central archive and distribution system for radiology and multimedia data. CARS 2005: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1281, 871–876. doi: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.03.314.
- . (). Establishing an international reference image database for research and development in medical image processing. Methods of Information in Medicine, 43(4), 409–412.
- . (). Approaches towards a regional, shared electronic patient record for health care facilities of different health care organizations--IT-strategy and first results. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 107(Pt 2), 979–82.
- . (). Invited commentary. Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, 2(5), 353–354.
- . (). The Innsbruck Advanced Image Management (AIM) project, a large volume medical data archive with tight integration to the CIS/EPR - from the perspective of a nuclear medicine department. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 31, S463S463.
- . (). Telemedicine: opportunities and risks. Radiologe, 42(5), 376–379. doi: 10.1007/s00117-002-0720-7.
- . (). Going all digital in a university hospital: a unified large scale PACS for multiple departments and hospitals. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.4323, 7–15.
- . (). Sophisticated hospital information system radiology information system picture archiving and communications system (PACS) integration in a large-scale traumatology PACS. Journal of digital imaging, 12(2), 99–102. doi: 10.1007/BF03168769.
- . (). 2 TB and growing fast: 18 months of experience with the Innsbruck PACS. In Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS'99), Paris , pp. 503–6|xlvi+1111.
- . (). First experience with the traumatological PACS project at the university of Innsbruck department of radiology | Erste erfahrungen mit dem unfall-radiologischen PACS-projekt an der Innsbrucker universitat fur radiodiagnostik. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin, 169(5), 459–464. doi: 10.1055/s-2007-1015320.
- . (). Performance of the ALEPH detector at LEP. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 360(3), 481–506.
- . (). Heavy flavour production and decay with prompt leptons in the ALEPH detector. Zeitschrift für Physik C - Particles and Fields, 62(2), 179–198.
- . (). Measurement of the Bs 0 lifetime. Physics Letters B, 322(3), 275–286.
- . (). Production of charmed mesons in Z decays. Zeitschrift für Physik C - Particles and Fields, 62(1), 1–14.
- . (). Production of K0 and Λ in hadronic Z decays. Zeitschrift für Physik C - Particles and Fields, 64(3), 361–373.
- . (). Z production cross sections and lepton pair forward-backward asymmetries. Zeitschrift für Physik C - Particles and Fields, 62(4), 539–550. doi: 10.1007/BF01574159.
- . (). K0 production in one-prong τ decays ALEPH Collaboration. Physics Letters B, 332(1-2), 219–227.
- . (). A measurement of AFB b in lifetime tagged heavy flavour Z decays. Physics Letters B, 335(1), 99–108. doi: 10.1016/0370-2693(94)91564-4.
- . (). Correlation-Measurements in Z-]Tau(+)tau(-) and the Tau-Neutrino Helicity. Physics Letters B, 321(1-2), 168–176.
- . (). Measurement of the b hadron lifetime with the dipole method. Physics Letters B, 314(3-4), 459–470.
- . (). Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction e+e- → hZ*. Physics Letters B, 313(1-2), 312–325.
- . (). Search for the standard model Higgs boson. Physics Letters B, 313(1-2), 299–311.
- . (). Unitary Time Evolution for Irregular External-Field Problems. Helvetica Physica Acta, 65(1), 51–55.
- . (). Boost Action on External-Field Problems. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 25(9), 2737–2744. doi: 10.1088/0305-4470/25/9/040.
- . (). Graphical concepts for the representation of events in high energy physics. International Journal of Modern Physics C, vol.2, no.1, 328–330.