Dr. Ulrike Stockhausen, geb. Stedtnitz
History Department
Modern and Contemporary History / North American History

Since August 2019, Dr. Ulrike Stockhausen works with the Max Weber Stiftung. Here you can find her website.

Email: ulrike.stockhausen@uni-muenster.de

Current postdoctoral research project: "Squaws", "Papooses," and "Real, Live Indians": Representations of Native Americans in American Children's Literature (1865-1940)

Academic Education and Career

Since 08.2019 Max Weber Stiftung
04.-12.2018 Postdoc fellowship from the University of Münster (interrupted between May and July for maternity leave)
10.2017 Defence of dissertation „The Strangers in Our Midst“: American Evangelical Responses to Immigration (1960-2014)
10.2016 - 03.2017 Scholarship for the completion of doctoral thesis
10.2013 - 09.2016 Assistant professor at the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at the WWU Münster
10.2010 - 06.2013 M.A. in North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin (focussing on American politics and history) Master's thesis on "The Latino/a Evangelical Vote in U.S. Presidential Elections, 2004-2012"
04.2006 - 12.2009 B.A. in Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
08.2008 - 06.2009 Middlebury College, USA (FU direct exchange scholarship)

Doctoral Thesis

“The Strangers in Our Midst": American Evangelical Responses to Immigration (1960-2014)

•    Professor Dr. Heike Bungert
•    Professor Dr. Silke Hensel

Participation in the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics"

•    Coordinated project group Protestantismus und deutscher Staat im 20. Jahrhundert

Research Areas

•    American religious history
•    Evangelicalism
•    American history of migration
•    History of academic exchange and student mobility


08.2014: Scholarship to complete language training at Centro de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Granada, Spain - German Academic Exchange Service


Übung: The 'New' Evangelicals: Political Activism of Evangelical Christians of the Left in the U.S., 1970-2015


Articles in Newspapers or non-scientific Media

  • Stockhausen, Ulrike E. „‘If I Were One of the Founding Fathers…‘: Die Nutzung zivilreligiöser Elemente im politischen Aktivismus latino-evangelikaler Christen in den USA“, in: „God Bless America“: Zivilreligion in den USA im 20. Jahrhundert. Ed. Heike Bungert and Jana Weiß. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2017, S. S.319-351.
  • Stockhausen, Ulrike E. „Evangelikalismus und Politik”, in: Handbuch Evangelikalismus. Ed. Frederik Elwert, Martin Radermacher and Jens Schlamelcher. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2017, S. 305-319.
  • Stockhausen, Ulrike. 2016. „Der Elefant im Porzellanladen. Ulrike Stockhausen über Donald Trumps schwieriges Verhältnis zu den Latinos.“ WissenLeben 6: 8.

Other Publications (technical specifications, informal publications)

  • Stedtnitz, Ulrike Elisabeth. 2015. Where do evangelicals stand on the Syrian refugee crisis?: U.S. Intellectual History Blog.