Courses for the specializations in Probability Theory, its Applications (WA) and Stochastic Processes (SP)
Summer semester 2021
Prof. Dr. Steffen Dereich: Stochastic Processes (Type, I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko: Concrete Stochastics (Type I,II,WA,SP)
Prof. Dr. Chiranjib Mukherjee: Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravity (Type I,II, WA,SP)
PD Dr. Volkert Paulsen: Advanced Financial Mathematics (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Winter semester 2021/2022
Prof. Dr. Steffen Dereich: Stochastic Analysis (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova: Convex and Stochastic Geometry (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko: Advanced Probability Theory (Type I, II, WA, SP)
PD Dr. Michael Stolz: Mathematical Foundations on Non-Parametric Statistics and Machine Learning (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Summer semester 2022
Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer: Stochastic Models in Biology (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Dereich: Markov Processes (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Chiranjib Mukherjee: Probability Theory on Trees and Groups (Type I, II, WA, SP)
PD Dr. Volkert Paulsen: Advanced Financial Mathematics (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Dr. Michael Stolz: Advanced Mathematical Statistics (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Winter semester 2022/23
Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer: Random Recursive Equations (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova: Point Processes (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Huesmann Stochastic Analysis (Type I,II, WA SP)
Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko: Advanced Probability Theory (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Summer semester 2023
Prof. Dr. Gerold Alsmeyer: Applied Stochastic Models (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann: Optimal Transport (Type I, II, WA, SP)
PD Dr. Volkert Paulsen: Advanced Financial Mathematics (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Winter semester 2023/2024
Prof. Dr. Anna Gusakova: Stochastic Geometry and Random Graphs ( Type I,II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Martin Huesmann: Stochastic Analysis (Type I,II, WA,SP)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe: Statistical Learning Theory ( Type I,II, WA,SP)
Summer semester 2024
Prof. Dr. Steffen Dereich: Reinforcement Learning (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe: Staticistical Mechanics (Type I, II, WA, SP)
Prof. Dr. Chiranjib Mukherjee: Markov Processes (Type I, II, WA, SP)
PD Dr. Volkert Paulsen: Advanced Financial Mathematics (Type I, II, WA, SP)