Changeover of the Editor


Dear readers of the Theologische Revue,

the present number of this journal will be the last to be published under my responsibility. The Faculty of Catholic Theology at Münster had entrusted me with the editorship in the winter semester of 2008/2009, when my predecessor Harald Wagner was reaching retirement age. After exactly twelve years I will now pass on this office to Adrian Wypadlo, Professor for New Testament Exegesis at our faculty.

During this time digitalisation has drastically changed the nature of peer reviewing in the humanities. The number of published books has multiplied rapidly, and it has become more difficult to keep track even of a narrow field of theological research. At the same time, information has to be available fast and everywhere. These developments have led the editorial panel to the decision to publish an online version of the Theologische Revue, facilitating more flexibility and faster reaction times. The transition to open access publication on the internet was the biggest and most important change during my term of office. After this project has now been completed, I feel the time has come for me to step down as editor.

My job would not have been possible without the help and support of many people. I would like to give special thanks to the staff in the editorial office for their considerable support. The Theologische Revue could of course not be published without the numerous reviewers, who are willing to critically read new publications and write reviews; I would like to express my gratitude to them. The same goes for the publishing companies that are willing to provide review copies of their new publications, frequently at great expense. A special mention goes to the Aschendorff publishing house, which has been working together with the Theologische Revue for more than a century. And I would like to thank you, the readers of the Theologische Revue, for your loyal and amicable support.

I know the journal to be in good hands with Adrian Wypadlo and ask you kindly to extend him the trust that I have always felt.

Thomas Bremer