• Curriculum Vitae

    since 2018 Full membership in the Helmholtz-Institute Münster (HIMS)
    since 2018 Member of the supervisory board of the of the "WWU Weiterbildung gGmbH"
    2015 - 2016 Spokesman of the Deans of the WWU
    2014 - 2016 Dean of the faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
    2013 - 2016 Member of the "Studienkommission" of the German Bunsen-Gesellschaft
    2013 - 2015 Head of the Board "Center for Nonlinear Science" (CeNoS)
    since 2012 Professor (W3) for "Theory of complex systems" at the WWU
    2010 - 2012 Professor (W2) for "Theory of complex systems" at the WWU
    2010 Offer of a professorship (W3) at the University of Bielefeld for
    "Theoretical Physics" (declined)
    2007 - 2015 Head of the IT-steering committee (IV-Lenkungsausschuss) of the
    since 2007 Additional membership in the faculty of physics
    1999 - 2007 Professor (C3) for Theoretical Physical Chemistry at the WWU
    (faculty of chemistry)
    1998 Habilitation in Theoretical Physics at the university of Mainz
    Title: Dynamik glasbildender Systeme auf mikroskopischer Skala
    1993 - 1999 Member of the scientific staff of the MPI for Polymer Research in
    Mainz (group of Prof. H.W. Spiess)
    1991 - 1993 Postdoc at the MIT in Cambridge, USA, with Prof. R. J. Silbey
    1988 - 1991 PhD thesis at the MPI f. Medizinische Forschung in Heidelberg
    with Prof. U. Haeberlen and Prof. H. Horner
    Title: Tieftemperaturdynamik beim Translations- und Rotationstunneln
    1983 - 1988 Studies of physics (Diplom) and mathematics (Vordiplom)
    at the universities of Dortmund and Heidelberg
    Title of the diploma thesis: Untersuchung des ferroelektrischen
    Phasenübergangs von Triglycinsulfat mittels Deuterium-
    kernresonanzspektroskopie + Nichtlineare spektrale
    Analyse von NMR-Daten zur Reduktion des Totzeiteffekts




  • Stipends and Awards

    2014 Student's Award for Excellent Teaching (Goldener Brendel)
    1991 - 1993 Feodor-Lynen stipend
    1985 - 1988 Member of the "Stiftung des Deutschen Volkes"
    1980, 1981 First prize in the "Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik"