Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuer

Dr. Kazem Zhour
“Ab initio analysis of electrolyte-electrode interfaces”
Dr. Azadeh Alavizargar
“Simulation of membranes and protein-membrane interaction”
Dr. Myra Biedermann
“Molecular dynamics simulations of solid-electrolyte interface (SEI) formation in lithium ion batteries”
Franziska Busse
"Multiskalen-Simulationen amphiphiler Moleküle an Grenzflächen"
Dr. Markus Blank-Burian
"Properties of the potential energy landscape under shear"
Dr. Stephan Büchner
Dr. Joyjit Chattoraj
"Simulations of polymer electrolytes"
Dr. Djurre de Jong-Bruinink
"Simulations of membranes"
Dr. Burkhard Doliwa
"The Dynamics of a Small Model Glass Former as Viewed from Ist Potential Energy Landscape"
Dr. Davit Hakobyan
"Simulation of lipid membranes. Investigation of formation of lipid rafts""
Dr. Stefan Frieder Hopp
"Understanding of template-directed growth. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of organic molecules on prepatterned surfaces"
Dr. Felix Kalischewski
"Structure Formation during Surface Growth - Theory and Simulation"
Dr. Fabian Keller
"Simulations and modeling of lipid bilayer systems"
Dr. Alexander Kötter
Research: "Standard Binding Free Energies of SIM/SUMO Complexes"
Dr. Anand Narayanan Krishnamoorthy
Research: "Molecular theory of solutions, Ion solvation and specific ion effects, machine learning approaches in multiscale modeling"
Dr. Pritam Kumar Jana
"Self assembly and Computer simulations"
Dr. Magnus Kunow
"Erforschung der Dynamik fester Ionenleiter mittels Computersimulationen am Beispiel von Lithiumsilikatgläser"
Dr. Heiko Lammert
"Untersuchung der Ionendynamik und speziell des Mischalkalieffektes sowie der komplexen Energielandschaft in Alkalisilikatgläsern mittels Molekulardynamiksimulationen"
Dr. Volker Lesch
"Solvation and transport properties of solutes in ionic liquids. A computational study"
Dr. Lars Lühning
"Untersuchung des feldabhängigen Leitfähigkeitsmechanismus im Random-Energy-Modell"
Dr. Moumita Maiti
"A potential energy landscape view of glasses under shear"
Dr. Arijit Maitra
"Ion Transport in Polymer Electrolytes: Simulation and Theory"
Dr. Tanja Mues
"Mathematical description of synchronization effects in oscillatory zoning phenomena"
Dr. Anshul Deep Singh Parmar
"Rheology of glassy systems"
Dr. Simon Raschke
"Frame-guided assembly of micelles and vesicles"
Dr. Christian Rehwald
"Understanding of finite size effects and growing length scales from numerical simulations of glass forming liquids"
Dr. Jens Reinisch
"Computer Simulations Regarding Low Temperature Tunneling States in Disordered Solids"
Dr. Dennis Riedl
"Physics of social systems"
Dr. Projesh Kumar Roy
"Statistical and thermodynamical study of the structure formation of two-dimensional silica"
Dr. Aimorn Saksaengwijit
"Relating the Macroscopic Dynamics of Liquid Silica to ist Potential Energy Landscape"
Dr. Carsten Schroer
"Nonlinear microrheology of supercooled liquids in terms of a potential energy landscape approach"
Dr. Raghvendra Pratap Singh
Dr.Jens Smiatek
Research: "Theoretical Chemical Physics: Molecular Theory of Multicomponent and Electrolyte Solutions"
Dr. Vasileios Tatsis
Dr. Leon Topp
Prof. Dr. Michael Vogel
"2H-NMR-Untersuchung der Sekundärrelaxation in organischen Glasbildnern"
Dr. Alina Wettstein
"Mechanistic understanding of ion transport processes in electrolytes"