Dear Students,

Information and materials for your courses can be found on three different correlating platforms:

1. Directory of Lectures

  • Information such as title of the lecture, lecturer, date and place and a summary of the lecture can be found on the HIS LSF/QISPOS portal
  • In addition the lecture directory includes a direct link to the „Modulkarte”

2. „Modulkarten“ Chemical Studies

  • The website of the Chemical Department includes all courses for the subject “chemistry” sorted by course and partly also by examination regulations.
  • The on the Department Website included “Modulkarten” list all necessary information needed prior to enrolling on a course.

3. Learnweb

  • During the course further information and materials can be found on the Learnweb.
  • During the first lecture of each course access details for the learnweb will be handed out.

These three platforms should summarise all necessary information, so that you do not need to search the Department or Lecturers individual Websites.
We are pleased to welcome you at the Institute of Physical Chemistry and wish you “happy studies