Veranstaltung des Career Service

A.5.9 Applying in Germany

The cover letter and the CV are the two central documents in the application process. And with an individually tailored application that shows the connection between your professional profile and the offered position, you are already one step closer to the desired internship or position. For this reason, this workshop offers you support and information on the formal and content-related struc-ture of your application documents and is primarily aimed towards international students who would like to apply in Germany. You are welcome to bring an already prepared cover letter, your CV as well as job or internship advertisements to the workshop so that we can work on them together.

Learning objectives

> You learn about different forms of job applications.
> You learn formal criteria for cover letter/CV.
> You use your professional profile for your application.

Wer kann teilnehmen?

Teilnehmen können alle, die zurzeit an der Universität Münster studieren, promovieren oder innerhalb des vergangenen Jahres ihren Abschluss an der Universität Münster gemacht haben.


Leistungspunkte in den Allgemeinen Studien


Tuesday, 9th July 2024, 2.15pm–3.45pm


Career Service, Schlossgarten 3,
Seminar room Botanicum


> Leonie Oster, Career Service

Anmeldung, Abmeldung und Erwerb von Leistungspunkten

Für die Veranstaltung müssen Sie sich online beim Career Service anmelden:

Bitte informieren Sie sich über weitere Details zur Anmeldung, Abmeldung und zum Erwerb von Leistungspunkten auf der Webseite des Career Service unter:

Wenn Sie Fragen haben:

Career Service der Universität Münster

Telefon: 0251 83-32293
