Veranstaltung des Career Service

A.5.8 “It’s a jungle out there.” Online job sites and how to use them (2 stamps)

So, you are currently looking for an internship or a job? Alternatively, you can see it coming up in the near future? If the answer is yes, you will probably be using (mainly) online job portals in your search. Maybe you already know monster, stepstone, or kimeta – but are those the right sites for you? If one or several of the following questions make you nod in agreement, this short seminar will provide support for you:

  • Do you find it hard to choose options when faced with more than 2,000 online job portals?
  • Do you feel like searching in the wrong place?
  • Do you wonder how to find the most fitting job sites for your needs and ambitions?
  • Do you feel like missing relevant offers?
  • Do you need some quick-check criteria for judging the quality of a job portal?

This two-hour seminar will point out strategies for finding the most appropriate job portals for your search, and it will provide you with criteria to quickly judge a job portal’s value and quality. The goal is to show you tools that can help make your search both effective and efficient. We will apply those to an example, so you can see if those tools work for you.

Please take ten minutes in advance and ponder the following:

  • What are my experiences with online job portals?
  • Which sites/options do I know of?
  • What do I find difficult, questionable, aggravating about them?
  • What knowledge, skills, ideas or tools do I want to take home from this seminar?

Who can take part?

All those who are currently studying or doing their doctorate at the University of Münster or who passed their final examinations at the University of Münster during the past year.


Leistungspunkte in den Allgemeinen Studien

Careers Service
Schlossplatz 3
Seminar room 1


Dr. Berenike Gais
Careers Service staff member

Registration, deregistration, and credit points:

  1. Please register online for this event:

  2. Please find further information on registration (including admission prerequisites), deregistration, and on how to obtain credit points on this page