• Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    05/2014  PhD

    Ecohydrology, University of Sydney, Australia

    12/2009  MSc Forest Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg, Germany
    02/2007   BSc

    Agricultural Engineering (Soil and Water), University of Tehran, Iran

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    03/2022-​                   Tenure-Track Associate Professor Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction, University of Münster, Germany
    09/2017-​ 02/2022   

    Lecturer and Senior Scientist, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

    05/2014 – 09/2017

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Biogeochemistry, University of Sydney, Australia


    • Ökophysiologie (Vorlesung), at ETH Zürich and at University of Münster (BSc, MSc)
    • Klimatologie (Übung), at University of Münster (BSc)
    • Climate Change (seminars), at University of Münster (MSc)
    • Angewandte Landschaftsökologie (Studienprojekt), at University of Münster (BSc)
    • Climate Change in Mountain Ecosystems (Study Excursion), at University of Münster (BSc)
    • Agrarwissenschaftliches Labor – und Methodenpraktikum (Übung), at ETH Zürich (BSc)
    • Global Change Biology (seminars), at ETH Zürich (MSc)
    • Bushfire Ecology (lectures/ practicals), at University of Sydney (BSc)
    • Introductory Statistics (practicals), at University of Sydney (BSc)
    • Environmental GIS (practicals), at University of Sydney (BSc)
    • Water Resource Management (practicals), at University of Sydney (MSc)

    BSc und MSc Theses Supervision

    Jahr Student/Titel
    2023 Visweshwar Arulmozhi Nambi (MSc. Geoinformatics), University of Münster. Assessment of structural and topographic influences on greenhouse gas flux observations using a footprint model and LIDAR measurements in a peatland ecosystem
    2023 Elisa Jordan (BSc. Landscape Ecology), University of Münster. Assessing changes in volatility of maximum air temperature in Germany between 1971-2022
    2023 Jessica Gross (BSc. Landscape Ecology), University of Münster. Analysis of single and compound climate extreme events in a temperate grassland in Switzerland
    2023 Frederike Kunz (BSc. Landscape Ecology), University of Münster. Sediment metals concentration in urban rivers: case of the city of Münster
    2023 Mika Radtke (BSc. Landscape Ecology), University of Münster. Trace elements in urban vegetation: case of the city of Münster

    Capucine Marion (MSc. Environmental Sciences), ETH Zürich. Measuring dissolved gases in tree xylem sap


    Johanna Bardill (BSc. Agricultural Sciences), ETH Zürich. Effect of climate change on phenological development of a mixed forest in Switzerland


    Daniel Guggisberg (MSc. Environmental Sciences), ETH Zürich. Climate cooling potential of different types of green spaces in the city of Zurich


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