What kind of a crisis? (A)synchronic perception of crisis in Hittite Anatolia


Im Rahmen des Colloquiums, das gemeinsam von der Altorientalistik und der Vorderasiatischen Archäologie veranstaltet wird, finden in regelmäßigen Abständen Vorträge zu neuen Forschungen am Institut sowie von auswärtigen Gelehrten statt.



Am Dienstag, dem 24.05.2022, um 18 Uhr c.t.


Dr. Marta Pallavidini (Berlin)

über das Thema:

What kind of a crisis? (A)synchronic perception of crisis in Hittite Anatolia


It is common in the scholar community to define specific times in the history of a culture as times of crisis. Yet sometimes our perception of these times of crisis as scholars does not coincide with the perception of the culture that was going through those times. Also, the opposite statement holds true: the textual and/or archaeological documentation may not provide evident signs of what can be defined as a crisis though it was perceived as such by the culture itself. Starting with these premises, the aim of my talk is to show three case study from the Hittite culture (Anatolia, 17th to 12th Century BCE): the transition between the Old and the Middle Kingdom, the transfer of the Hittite capital from Hattusa to Tarhuntassa (and back), and the transition to the Iron Age with the end of the Hittite civilization.Furthermore, I will show how not all these three periods - usually described as times of crisis - can indeed be defined as such, so that a specific asynchronicity in the perception of the Hittite and that of the historians will be stressed out.


Der Vortrag findet im H2 im Hofgebäude, Rosenstraße 9 statt.

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      Altorientalistik                                                                                   Vorderasiatische Archäologie

K. Kleber                                                                                                            F. J. Kreppner