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Work package 7: Transfer analysis of policy instruments for developing fitting strategies

Objective of this work package is the development of policy recommendations for transferring good practices from abroad to Germany, in order to reduce the electricity consumption within the household sector. For analyzing which policies can be transferred, a three-stage approach will be chosen. First of all, a theory-based checklist of critical variables of policy transfers, in general, will be developed. In a next step, we will identify the relevant framework conditions for successfully implementing the best practice instruments, in order to then check whether these conditions do exist in Germany or if certain political changes are necessary. Four case studies will be conducted each drawing ex ante conclusions as to how successful the ambition of transferring the respective policies to the German setting would be. Through the assignment of a qualitative research tool - the so called focus groups - the consumer's perspective is taken into special consideration. By including consultations with relevant stakeholders, as a final step, we intend to test the hitherto theory-based policy re-design against its practical feasibility, and to improve it subsequently. Hence, the transfer analysis is a necessary input for the following work package 8 which is meant to develop marketing strategies for real-life policy transfers.

Coordination: Dr. Kerstin Tews Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik (FFU)
Team: Dipl.-Phys. Dipl.-Energiewirt Veit Bürger (Öko-Institut e.V.)
  Dr. Harald Rohracher
  (Interuniversitäres Forschungszentrum für Technik, Arbeit und Kultur, IFZ Graz)
Contact: Kerstin Tews