Oberseminar Topologie (SS 2019)

Termin: Mo, 14.00 s.t - 16.00 s.t., Raum M4 (Einsteinstraße 64)

Datum Vortragende(r) Titel
08.04.2019 Burkhard Wilking
(WWU Münster)

The topology of fixed point sets in positive curvature.

15.04.2019 Achim Krause
(WWU Münster)
Witt vectors with coefficients.
22.04.2019 O S T E R N
29.04.2019 Rudolf Zeidler
(WWU Münster)
Coarse (co-)assembly and the analytic structure group.
06.05.2019 Jan-Bernhard Kordaß
(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Curvature conditions and spaces of riemannian metrics.
13.05.2019 Gijs Heuts
(Universiteit Utrecht, Niederlande)
Spectral Lie algebras as models for unstable v_n-periodic homotopy theory.
20.05.2019 Mehran Seyedhosseini
(Universität Göttingen)
Around the Relative Index.
27.05.2019 Magnus Goffeng
(University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology, Schweden)
Geometric models for the analytic structure group and higher eta invariants.
03.06.2019 Birgit Richter
(Universität Hamburg)
Stability of Loday constructions.
10.06.2019 P F I N G S T F E R I E N
17.06.2019 Markus Land
(Universität Regensburg)
Chromatically localised algebraic K-theory.
24.06.2019 George Nadareishvili
(Universität Göttingen)
Homology in triangulated categories of noncommutative spaces.
01.07.2019 Arthur Bartels
(WWU Münster)
K-Theory and action on Euclidean retracts.
08.07.2019 Steffen Kionke
(Karlsruher Institut für Technolgie)
Limits of topological invariants in the p-adic numbers.