M.Sc Melisa Çelik

M.Sc Melisa Çelik

Scharnhorststr. 121, Raum 560
48151 Münster

Akademische Profile

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Ethnography
    • Sociological theory
    • Figurational sociology
    • Migration and religion
    • Migrant entrepreneurships
  • Vita

    Akademische Ausbildung

    Promotion in der Graduate School of Sociology (GRASS)
    Middle East Technical University - Soziologie - Master of Science Thesis: Integration Through Small-Scale Business: The Case of Entrepreneurs with Turkish "Migrant" Background in Germany
    Auslandssemester - Universität Bielefeld
    Middle East Technical University - Soziologie - Bachelor of Science
    Auslandssemester - Universität Duisburg-Essen

    Beruflicher Werdegang

    Praktikum am Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (SGDD-ASAM) in Ankara

    Mitgliedschaft oder Aktivität in einem Gremium

    Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (Stipendiatin)
  • Wissenschaftliche Vorträge

    • Melisa Çelik : “Their mistakes are also written in our account’: Established Migrant Perspectives Towards Intercommunal Relationships with Newcomers in Germany”. 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference “Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn”, Lisbon & Online, .
    • Melisa Çelik : “Inter-communal Relationship Between Different Immigrant Groups in Germany: "the Established" and "the Outsider" Muslim Migrants”. Frühjahrsforum , Bad Honnef, .
    • Melisa Çelik : “Inter-Communal Relationship Between Different Immigrant Groups in Germany: The Established and The Outsider Muslim Migrants”. GRASS Kolloquium, Münster, .