The Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 858 hosts the 11th Münster Symposium on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry - postponed due to the corona pandemic - on March 26th 2021 at the Castle of Münster University.
We would like to invite you to exciting plenary lectures, to contribute with your results within an extensive poster session, or to receive one of the MS_CEC Young Researcher Awards for an outstanding scientific paper.
Visit the Münster Sympoisum on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry as one highlight within the scientific calendar. Attendance is free.
In our efforts to strengthen reflective perspectives on what chemists are doing, the SFB 858 initiated a collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts Münster. Additionally, we were aiming to enter into a dialogue about our research with a broader public at the exhibition in the University Castle on June 24th - 26th, 2016
Learn more about this highly exciting experience, in which chemists and artists merged their passion, skills and viewpoints for half a year...
Research within the the SFB 858 "Synergistic Effects in Chemistry - From Additivity towards Cooperativity" will be further supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for another four years: 19 interdisciplinary projects will be funded from 2018 to 2021 covering a wide range of chemical disciplines including molecular activation, catalysis, on-surface chemistry, biochemistry, and theoretical chemistry. The research projects are flanked by the Integrated Research Training Group "Principles and Applications of Cooperative Effects".
In this special issue within Chemistry - A European Journal, which coincided with the "8th Münster Symposium on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry", the SFB principal investigators presented selected results from the collaborative research center. In addition, the SFB 858 is very gratefull that the issue features papers from speakers from the previous symposia in this highly regarded symposium series at the WWU Münster. Stay connected to this Special Issue featuring collaborative research on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry.