Tagung Early Christianity and the Political Theology of International Order (22.-23.02.2024)

Keynote Lecture
22 February, 17.00

"Early Christianity and the Ends of International Order"
Professor William Bain (National University of Singapore)

Expert Panel
23 February, 9.00-12.30

09.00–10.00 Uhr | Samuel Pomeroy (Münster)
Ethnē, Angels, and International Order in Early Christianity

10.15.–11.15 Uhr | Elisa Coda (Pisa)
God's Action and the Cosmic order. Themistius' Theological and Political Thought"

11.30–12.30 Uhr | Marco Rizzi (Milan)
Empire and Political Theology, Past and Present: Harnack, Schmitt and Peterson on Reichstheologie

Seminarraum JO 102
Johannisstr. 4
48143 Münster

Organizer: Dr. Samuel Pomeroy (Gastwissenschaftler)
Anmeldung: pomeroy@uni-muenster.de

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