Professor Dr. Hans Beck, FRSC

Professor Dr. Hans Beck, FRSC

Domplatz 20-22
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-24367

Academic Profile

  • Research Foci

    • History and culture of ancient Greece
    • Historical geography of Greece
    • Environmental studies of the ancient greek world
    • Political culture of the Roman Republic
    • Ancient historiography
  • CV

    Academic Education

    Studies and doctoral studies at the Universities of Erlangen, Canterbury, and Cambridge


    Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Arts, McGill University Montreal
    Professorship in Greek History, University of Münster
    Professor of Ancient History, John MacNaughton Chair of Classics, and Director of Classical Studies, McGill University Montreal
    German Research Foundation (DFG) Heisenberg Fellow, University of Frankfurt
    Research assistant, University of Cologne
    Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington, DC
    Studies and doctoral studies in Erlangen, Canterbury and Cambridge


    Appointment as Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada – Royal Society of Canada (RSC)
    Anneliese Maier Research Award – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
    Heisenberg Fellowship – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    Doctoral scholarship – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
    Doctoral scholarship – Hanns Seidel Foundation
  • Publications


    Books (Monographs)
    • . . Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State, Chicago, Il: Chicago University Press.
    • , , and . . Central Greece and the Politics of Power in the Fourth Century BC, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • , , and . . Die Frühen Römischen Historiker, Band 1: Von Fabius Pictor bis Cn. Gellius, 2. edt. Darmstadt: wbg.
    • . . Klio Beihefte, Vol.10, Karriere und Hierarchie. Die römische Aristokratie und die Entstehung des cursus honorum in der mittleren Republik, Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    • , , and . . Die Frühen Römischen Historiker, Band 2: Von Coelius Antipater bis Pomponius Atticus, Darmstadt: wbg.
    • . . Historia Einzelschriften, Vol.114, Polis und Koinon. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Struktur der griechischen Bundesstaaten im 4. Jh. v.Chr., Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Books (Edited Collections)
    • Beck, Hans, and Russell, Amy, eds. . The Roman Republic and Political Culture. German Scholarship in Translation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Ager, Sheila L., and Beck, Hans, eds. . Localism in Hellenistic Greece, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    • Michels, Christoph, Beck, Hans, and Lichtenberger, Achim, eds. . Studies in Ancient Monarchies, Vol.11, The Same, but Different. Monarchical Rule and Representation in the Hellenistic World, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    • Beck, Hans, and Kindt, Julia, eds. . The Local Horizon of Ancient Greek Religion, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009301862.
    • Beck, Hans and Griet Vankeerberghen, ed. . Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Beck, Hans, Gallego, Julián, García Mac Gaw, Carlos, and Pina Polo, Francisco, eds. . PEFSCEA, Vol.21, Encuentros con las élites del mundo antiguo. Liderazgo, estilos de vida, legitimidad, Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores.
    • Hölkeskamp, Beck, Karl-J. und, and Hans, eds. . Verlierer und Aussteiger in der Konkurrenz unter Anwesenden. Agonalität in der politischen Kultur des antiken Rom, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    • Beck, Hans, Buraselis, Kostas, and and, McAuley Alex, eds. . HABES, Vol.61, Ethnos and Koinon. Studies in Ancient Greek Ethnicity and Federalism, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    • Beck, Smith, H.and, and Phil, J., eds. . Teiresias Supplements Online, Vol.1, Megarian Moments. The Local World of an Ancient Greek City-State, Montreal. doi: 10.17879/tso-2018-vol1.
    • Beck, Hans et alii, ed. . Philippika, Vol.116, Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor. Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    • Beck, Hans, Jehne, Serrati, Martin and, and John, eds. . Latomus, Vol.355, Money and Power in the Roman Republic, Löwen: Peeters Publishers.
    • Beck, H., and Funke, P., eds. . Federalism in Greek Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Beck, Hans, ed. . Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, A Companion to Ancient Greek Government, Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    • Beck, Hans et alii, ed. . Consuls and Res Publica. Holding High Office in the Roman Republic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Beck, Wiemer, Hans und, and Hans-Ulrich, eds. . Feiern und Erinnern. Geschichtsbilder im Spiegel antiker Feste, Göttingen: Verlag Antike.
    • Beck, Hans, Scholz, Walter, Peter und, and Uwe, eds. . Historische Zeitschrift Beihefte, Die Macht der Wenigen. Aristokratische Herrschaftspraxis, Kommunikation und edler Lebensstil in Antike und Früher Neuzeit, München: Oldenbourg Verlag.


    Articles in Scientific Journals, Newspapers or Magazines
    Research Articles (Journals)
    Review Articles (Journals)
    Research Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)
    • . . “Polybius’ Roman prokataskeuē.” in Polybius and his world. Essays in memory of F. W. Walbank, edited by Bruce Gibson and Thomas Harrison. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Book Contributions
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • , and . . “Boiotia and the Boiotian Leagues.” in Federalism in Greek Antiquity, edited by Hans Beck and Peter Funke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • . . “Cannae - Traumatische Erinnerung.” in Erinnerungsorte der Antike. Die römische Welt, edited by Elke Stein-Hölkeskamp and Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp. München: C. H. Beck.
    Review Articles (Book Contributions)
    • . . “Structures.” in A Companion to Ancient History, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, edited by Andrew Erskine. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.
    • . . “The Early Roman Tradition.” in A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, Blackwell companions to the ancient world. A companion to Greek and Roman historiography, edited by John Marincola. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.
    Pre- / Postfaces in Edited Collections
    • . . “Preface.” in Boiotia in Antiquity. Selected papers, edited by Albert Schachter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Pre- / Postfaces in Monographs

    Bibliographies Reports sources in Digital Collections

  • Supervised Theses

    Doctoral Studies

    Christopher, JordanPeriphery Triumphant. The Rise of the Ancient States of Qin and Macedon
    Giroux, ChandraPlutarch's Chaironeia. The Local Horizon of World Empire
    Fu, WentianGlobalization in the Worlds of Ancient Qin and Rome
    Robinson, RebeccaCult and Calendars in the Ancient Empires of Qin, Han, and Rome
    McAuley, AlexBasking in the Shadow of Kings: Local Culture in the Hellenistic Greek Mainland
    Gauthier, FrançoisFinancing War in the Roman Republic

    Postdoctoral Study

    Von Commodus zu Constantin. Untersuchungen zur Strukturgeschichte der römischen Monarchie zwischen Prinzipatsordnung und spätantikem Kaisertum im ‚langen dritten Jahrhundert‘