Manuel Pachurka, M.A.

Manuel Pachurka, M.A.

Scharnhorststr. 121, room 544
48151 Münster

T: +49 251 83-25363
F: +49 251 83-29930

Consultation Hours

Di ,14-15 Uhr (mit der Bitte um vorherige Anmeldung per Mail; auch andere Termine nach Absprache möglich)

Participation in the Cluster of Excellence


  • Research Foci

    • Kultursoziologie
    • Theories of sociology of religion and culture, Buddhism and Islam
    • Islam (Sufismus, Dschihadismus)
    • Buddhismus (Theravada- und Zen-Buddhismus)
  • Doctoral AbstractThesis

    Asceticism and culture

    Doctoral Subject
    Targeted Doctoral Degree
    Dr. phil.
    Awarded by
    Department 06 – Education and Social Studies
    I argue that we best understand asceticism – as a Being-toward-death (Sein-zum-Tode) and a way of life – by having a close look at religious texts of ascetic traditions (especially Buddhist and Sufi sources in this case) and its social contexts. This leads to a certain way on how culture is thought in general and its differentiated spheres, such as religion and politics. The various social roles ascetics had in history (teachers, eremites, warriors etc.) have to be considered, showing us the at times deep and at times very subtle impact of asceticism on society, both on large and smaller scales.
  • CV

    Academic Education

    2-Fach-MA in Religionswissenschaft und Orientalistik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    2-Fach-BA in Religionswissenschaft und Orientalistik an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum


    Wiss. Hilfskraft in der Orientalistik
    Tutor in der Religionswissenschaft
    stud. Hilfskraft im Projekt „SeNeReKo“
    stud. Hilfskraft im Projekt „Indien im globalen Kontext“
  • Research Article in Edited Proceeding (Conference)

    • Elwert Frederik, Sellmer Sven, Wortmann Sven, Pachurka Manuel, Knauth Jürgen, Alfter David. . ‘Toiling with the Pāli Canon.’ In Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpus-Based Research in the Humanities (CRH), edited by Mambrini Francesco, Passarotti Marco, Sporleder Caroline, 39–48. Warschau.
  • Scientific Talks

    • Pachurka, Manuel : „Sozio-kulturelle und politische Aspekte der buddhistischen Todesmeditation“. Nachwuchstagung des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik. Dynamiken von Tradition und Innovation“ , Universität Münster, .
    • Pachurka, Manuel : “Men among the ruins - and the Islamic State”. European Academy of Religion Conference, WWU Münster, Münster, Deutschland, .
    • Pachurka, Manuel : „The ressentiment, its history and its resolution: a ideal-typical sketch“. Subjekte des Ressentiments – Über die Kulturen der sozialen Lust und Unlust, WWU Münster, .
    • Pachurka, Manuel : „Askese - Begriffe und Kulturvergleiche“. Religion, Spiritualität und Nachhaltigkeit, Franz Hitze Haus, Münster, Deutschland, .