Research Cloud 10 Islam and politics

As a subject, “Islam and politics” is becoming increasingly relevant on a socio-political level. At the same time, different phenomena of that subject are being explored by scholars not only in areas of Theology and Islamic Studies. Perspectives of Sociology, Political Sciences, Psychology, Literary Studies, Historical Studies and others have long ago found their way into the academic research of the relationship between Islam and politics.

Some fascinating projects related to “Islam and politics” are already being carried out at the Cluster of Excellence. By setting up this new cloud, we offer all researchers involved in these projects as well as interested parties from the Cluster, a platform to exchange content, methodology and perspective. For example, to what extent can secularization processes be observed in the Islamic context, what parallels or differences can be found in this regard both in the historical and in the current change between Islamic and European societies? Also, empirical studies still require a lot of analyses and discussions, for example with regard to the question of the operationalization of phenomena such as Islamic religiosity, Islamism, radicalization and resentment. The working meetings in the summer semester 2021 are intended to present and discuss projects of the Cluster or associated projects. This cloud therefore serves as an opportunity for networking and productive exchange.

Coordination of Research Cloud 10: