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New release: Uta Elisabeth Hohmann: Erwählt oder gewählt?

Der Beitrag theologischer Parlamentarier:innen zur Annäherung von Protestantismus und Demokratie

In the search for the right relationship between Protestantism and democracy, the parliamentary activity of German theologians suggests that they were and are particularly challenged to synthesise their religious convictions with the democratic idea. In three individual studies, Uta Elisabeth Hohmann examines the political activities of theologians Rudolf Otto (1869-1937), Magdalene von Tiling (1877-1974) and Heinrich Albertz (1915-1993) and compares their motives for becoming involved in party politics, their specialist political priorities and their theologically based attitude towards democracy.

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To the publication series

Hohmann, Uta Elisabeth: Erwählt oder gewählt? Der Beitrag theologischer Parlamentarier:innen zur Annäherung von Protestantismus und Demokratie, Frankfurt am Main / New York: Campus Verlag, 2023 (Reihe 'Religion und Moderne' 28).