New Release: Between Divine Punishment and Conspiracy Theories

by Marcel Bubert (Hg.) and André Krischer (Hg.)
© campus

Conspiracy theory and "alternative theology" interpretations as well as negations of the Corona pandemic have been unusually effective in Germany since 2020; in the "liberal milieu," which is convinced of the evidence of medical and scientific expertise, they have caused considerable irritation. However, such divergent perceptions are not new in times of epidemics. This anthology illuminates such interpretive competitions for the first time in an interdisciplinary, cross-epochal perspective; the contributions ask under what conditions which interpretations found resonance and reception, how it changed over time, and to what extent this change correlates or collides with historical master narratives (modernization, secularization, rationalization).

More information can be found here

To the series

Marcel Bubert und André Krischer, Zwischen Gottesstrafe und Verschwörungstheorien. Deutungskonkurrenzen bei Epidemien von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Frankfurt am Main/ New York: Campus Verlag, 2023 (Reihe 'Religion und Moderne' 27)