ESPLAT Conference 2025: Psychology Learning and Teaching – Scientific Thinking in Challenging Times

Bi-annual Conference of the European Society of Psychology Learning and Teaching (ESPLAT)

The Institute for Psychology in Education is pleased to host the ESPLAT 2025 Conference in Münster (1st to 3rd of September 2025).

Local Organizing Team:
Jan Beck, Gesa Bintz, Stephan Dutke, Maike Lindhaus, Ute Regina Roeder

More detailed information, including the call for papers, will be available by September 2024.

For the local organizing team,

Stephan Dutke

  • Important Dates

    Submission of abstracts opens: 1 November, 2024
    Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 February, 2025
    Notification of the acceptance of contributions: 1 April, 2025
    Registration opens: 1 April, 2025
    Deadline for registration: 1 July, 2025
    ESPLAT conference in Münster: 1 to 3 September, 2025


  • Call for Papers & Submission

    ESPLAT25 Scientific Thinking in Challenging Times - Call for Papers

    Submission will be opened on November 1st, 2024 via indico:

    Abstract submission

    please note that in order to submit, it is required to create an account.

  • Registration

    Registration is still closed, it will be available on April 1st, 2025.

    Fees per participant

    Full-paying (non-member) 370,00 €
    Full-paying (ESPLAT member) 280,00 €
    PhD (non-member) 185,00 €
    PhD (ESPLAT member) 100,00 €
    Student (non-member) 90,00 €
    Student (ESPLAT member) 50,00 €


  • Scientific Programme

    The general programme schema can be seen in indico: Timetable

  • Key Note lecturer Andrew Butler
    © Andrew Butler

              Key Note Lectures

    Dr. Andrew C. Butler

    Working title of his keynote lecture: Applying the Science of Learning to the Teaching of Psychology


    Dr. Andrew C. Butler is a Professor in the Department of Education and the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. His research focuses on applying the science of learning to enhance educational practice with an emphasis on understanding the complexity of implementation within different educational contexts. He is interested in student-centered interventions that leverage simple but powerful principles to improve long-term retention, promote deeper understanding, and motivate engagement and persistence in the face of challenge. In addition, he is interested in helping teachers to acquire knowledge about how to use the science of learning to improve and expand their pedagogy.


    Key Note lecturer Helen Fischer
    © Helen Fischer

    Dr. Helen Fischer

    Working title of her keynote lecture: Leveraging Metacognition for Scientific Thinking About Contested Topics: From Climate Change to COVID-19

    Dr. Helen Fischer is a researcher at the Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, Germany. She investigates the role of metacognition, our insight into the reliability and the limits of one's own knowledge for beliefs about politicized science such as climate change or COVID-19. Her work has been published in leading journals including Nature Climate Change, PNAS, American Psychologist, and Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Helen Fischer received her doctorate in cognitive psychology from the University of Heidelberg in 2016, and held researcher positions at various institutions, including the the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Stockholm University, the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, and the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Her research is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.


    Key Note lecturer Nicolas Sommet
    © Nicholas Sommet

    Dr. Nicolas Sommet

    Working title of his keynote lecture: How Economic Inequality in Society Shapes Student Outcomes in Secondary Schools

    Dr. Nicolas Sommet is a social psychologist and Head of Research at the LIVES Centre at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. His research interests include examining the psychological consequences of economic inequality, understanding achievement motivation, and making statistics more accessible. Nicolas Sommet has been awarded an SNSF Ambizione grant (2020–2024) to study how residing in places with high income inequality predicts well-being. He is also the co-recipient of an SNSF Spark grant (2019–present) to conduct large-scale cross-national replication of the psychological effects of social class. He is an associate editor at the European Journal of Social Psychology and member of the executive committee of Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche Internationale en Psychologie Sociale (ADRIPS).

  •          Pre-Conference Workshops

    On Sunday, August 31st, three pre-conference workshops will be offered between 15:00 h and 18:00 h.

    Workshop 1: How do we accomplish reliable and trustworthy theses assessments and examinations? (Michael Gruber, Umeå University)

    Prof. Michael Gruber is an associate professor at the Department of psychology at Umeå University and has participated in EUROPLAT/ESPLAT conferences since 2012. He has been teaching psychology since 1995 and has a broad interest in pedagogical practices and pedagogical leadership.

    see abstract for further information

    Workshop 2: Blue Zones and Beyond: Applying Scientific Thinking to Address Global Health Challenges (Megan Mendez, South Forsyth HighSchool)

    Megan Mendez has taught secondary social studies classes in the United States for 20 years. In her classroom she emphasizes students’ critical thinking, genuine understanding, and personal connection to the content.

    see abstract for further information

    Workshop 3: Understanding science by analysing its communication (Ingrid Scharlau, Universität Paderborn)

    Ingrid Scharlau is Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Psychology Didactics at Paderborn University and heads the university’s Writing Center. She draws on many years of research into didactic questions concerning not only psychology but also academic writing, higher education, and science in general. The workshop builds on her engagement with the disciplinary culture and history of psychology, with scientific practices and artefacts such as writing and texts, respectively, and will reflect her passion for a self-critical approach to science.

    see abstract for further information

  • Programme Committee


    Helen Bakker (Utrecht University)

    Michael Gruber (Umeå University)

    Birgit Spinath (Heidelberg University)

    Jörg Zumbach (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg)


    Stephan Dutke and the local organizing team (University of Münster): Jan Beck, Gesa Bintz, Maike Lindhaus, Ute Regina Roeder



  • Social Events

    Social events around the ESPLAT25 scientific programme will include a reception of the rectorate of the University of Münster as well as a guided tour to our conference dinner at the Schlossgarten Café Münster.

    Sightseeing options

  • Conference Site

    University of Münster
    Domplatz 20-22
    D-48143 Münster

    Link to google maps

    Access to the conference site is barrier-free.

  • Travel and Hotel Information

    Hotels and accommodation can be booked via the following link: Hotels ESPLAT2025

    In addition, rooms are available at Hotel SeeZeit directly on Lake Aasee (Bismarckallee 47, D-48151 Münster). To make a binding booking, please contact the Hotel SeeZeit directly via phone (+49 251 48426 888) or e-mail ( You can find more information and pictures on the hotel website:

    We will also help students to find affordable accommodation.

  • Contact

    For any questions, please contact the local organizing team via