ONGOING RESEARCH: Cross-Cultural Studies of Children’s Values

Cross-cultural research on the content and structure of human values was one of the main research areas of the former Work Unit “Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology” (1993-2012). From the end of the 1990s onwards, studies have focused increasingly on the values of children and adolescents.

Anna Döring has continued this line of research since then. Her studies have investigated the development of values from early childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Together with her colleagues and students, she explores the impact of the social context (e.g., family, teachers, peers), significant life events and experiences, and individual differences, running cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in a range of countries. She is the developer of the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C), which is the first instrument to measure children’s values through self-report. The PBVS-C has been adapted for application in 13 countries, and there are more adaptations ongoing.
This research has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) / the ESRC, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the German-Polish Research Foundation (Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung).

© Anna Döring

PD Dr. Anna K. Döring

Senior Lecturer and PhD Coordinator in Psychology at the University of Westminster, London, UK
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Research Interests

  • Value Development in Childhood and Adolescence
  • Social-Emotional Learning in School
  • Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • Learning and Teaching Psychology, esp. Research Methods and Statistics
  • Psychological Assessment

Academic Positions

  • University of Westminster, London, UK (present)
  • Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
  • University of Muenster, Germany


  • Habilitation & Venia Legendi in Psychology, University of Muenster
  • PhD in Psychology (Major) and Educational Sciences (Minor), University of Muenster
  • Diploma in Psychology, University of Muenster
    Final-year project at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
© Univerity of Westminster


University of Westminster, London, UK



Value Formation in School

Together with Prof. Dr. Elena Makarova (University of Basel, Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Anat Bardi (Royal Holloway, University of London), we have been awarded a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) / the ESRC for a 4-year project on 'The Formation of Children's Values in School'
see more

The Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C)

The Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C) is based on Schwartz’s (1994) model of human values and is one of the first instruments to assess children’s values through self-report. The original German version (Döring, 2008) has since been adapted for application in 13 other countries (e.g., Italy, France, the UK, Poland, Bulgaria, Australia, New Zealand, the US, Israel), and more adaptations are ongoing.

The PBVS-C can be used for non-commercial research purposes free of charge. Our conditions of use further state that the pictures are protected by copyright, and that researchers using the PBVS-C need to reference our first paper on the PBVS-C (Döring et al., 2010) as source.

If you are interested in using the PBVS-C or its adaptations in your research, please get in touch:


Selected Publications

Lloyd, A., & Döring, A. K. (2019). When do peers influence adolescent males’ risk taking? Examining decision-making under conditions of risk and ambiguity. Journal of Behavioural Decision Making, 32, 613-626. doi: 10.1002/bdm.2141

Döring, A. K., Knafo-Noam, A. (2019). How do our values guide us in life? Frontiers for Young Minds. Academic Journal for children and adolescents, 7:115. doi: 10.3389/frym.2019.00115

Döring A. K. (2018). Measuring children’s values from around the world: Cross-cultural adaptations of the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C). Studia Psychologica: Theoria et Praxis, 1(18), 49-59. doi: 10.21697/sp.2018.18.1.03

Döring, A. K. & Cieciuch, J. (editors) (2018). Werteentwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter [Value development in childhood and adolescence]. Warsaw, Poland: Liberi Libri. more

Döring, A.K., Kärtner, J., & Bilsky (2018). Values in families with young children: Insights from two cultural milieus in Germany. International Journal of Psychology, 53(6), 486-495. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12402

Döring, A. K., Makarova, E., Herzog, W., & Bardi, A. (2017). Parent-child value similarity in families with young children: The predictive power of prosocial educational goals. British Journal of Psychology, 108, 737-756. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12238

Döring, A. K., Daniel, E., & Knafo-Noam, A. (guest editors) (2016). Special Section: Value development from middle childhood to early adulthood – New insights from longitudinal and genetically informed research. Social Development, 25(3), 471-571. doi: 10.1111/sode.12177

Döring, A., Schwartz, S.H., Cieciuch, J., Groenen, P.J.F., Glatzel, V., Harasimczuk, J., Janowicz, N., Nyagolova, M., Scheefer, E.R., Allritz, M., Milfont T.L., & Bilsky W. (2015). Cross-cultural evidence of value structures and priorities in childhood. British Journal of Psychology , 106(4), 675-699. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12116

Bilsky, W., Döring, A.K., van Beeck, F., Rose, I., Schmitz, J., Aryus, K., Drögekamp, L., & Sindermann, J. (2013). Investigating children's values and value preferences - testing and expanding the limits. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 72(2), 123-136. doi: 10.1024/1421-0185/a000106

Döring, A.K., Blauensteiner, A., Aryus, K., Drögekamp, L., & Bilsky, W. (2010). Assessing values at an early age: the picture-based value survey for children (PBVS-C). Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(5), 439-448. doi: 10.1080/00223891.2010.497423