Curriculum Vitae

Professional Positions

Since 10 / 2023
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster

09 / 2019 – 09 / 2023
Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster

10 / 2018 – 07 / 2019
Student tutor, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Hamburg

10 / 2015 – 01 / 2017
Student tutor, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Hamburg

08 / 2015 – 07 / 2017
Student research assistant, Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment, University of Hamburg

10 / 2014 – 07 / 2016
Student tutor, Department of Psychological Methods and Statistics, University of Hamburg


10 / 2020 – 09 / 2023
PhD student promoted by the German National Academic Foundation at the Department of Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology, University of Münster

10 / 2016 – 09 / 2019
M.Sc. Psychology, University of Hamburg
Master Thesis: The situation is calling: Examining the effects of personality, mode of communication, and type of interaction partner on well-being in everyday social interactions

10 / 2013 – 10 / 2016
B.Sc. Psychology, University of Hamburg
Bachelor Thesis: Openness to experience and frontal asymmetry: The reward value of information

Practical & International Experience

06 / 2024 – 07 / 2024
Research visit in the lab of Prof. Dr. Wiebke Bleidorn, University of Zurich

07 / 2018 – 09 / 2018
Research internship with Prof. Dr. Jaap Denissen, Lifespan Lab, Tilburg University

05 / 2018 – 06 / 2018
Research internship with Prof. Dr. Gabriella Harari, Media & Personality Lab, Stanford University

08 / 2017 – 05 / 2018
Semester abroad at The University of Texas at Austin (Social & Personality Psychology Graduate Program, Prof. Dr. Samuel D. Gosling); supported by a Fulbright Student Scholarship

07 / 2015 – 10 / 2015
Clinical internship, Klinik für Affektive Erkrankungen, Asklepios Klinik Nord Ochsenzoll

07 / 2008 – 06 / 2009
High school year abroad in New Zealand