Public Physic Colloquium in the Summer Terms 2010 in Münster
Place:     Germany, 48149 Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, IG I, HS 2
Time:     Thursday, 08.07.2010  16:00 h c.t.
Colloquium Coffee at 15:45 h  at the Lecture Hall

Test of Quantum Electrodynamics in Strong Coulomb and Intense Photon Fields
Thomas Stöhlker, Helmholtz Institut Jena and Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg

The unique combination of the accelerator facilities at GSI makes it possible to accelerate, store, and cool heavy ion beams at their highest charge state. In atomic physics experiments these ion species can be exploited for a stringent tests of Quantum Electrodynamics in the strong and critical field limit. Highly-charged ions also provide a unique access for the determination of fundamental atomic and nuclear properties. In this overview, the present status of the experiments aiming on the precise determination of the 1s Lambshift, the Hyperfine Structure and the g-factor of hydrogenlike ions at high-Z will be given (see e.g. [1,2]). In addition the novel research opportunities will be reviewed as provided by the new trap facility for highly charged ions HITRAP [3] and by new the high-power laser facility PHELIX [4]. At HITRAP, heavy ions in their highest charges state will be provided even at rest in the laboratory, allowing for a new generation of precision experiments. Combining intense laser pulses from PHELIX with stored and trapped ions will allow for precision investigations of the properties of stable and exotic nuclei. It may also open up novel possibilities for the study of parity violating effects in atomic systems. 

[1] A. Gumberidze et al., Physical Review Letters 94, 223001 (2005).
[2] J.  Verdu et al., Physical Review Letters 92, 093002 (2004).
[3] H.J. Kluge et al., Advances in Quantum Chemistry Vol 53, 83 (2008)
[4] V. Bagnoud et al., Applied Physics B, DOI 10.1007/s00340-009-3855-7, 2009

Invited from: Prof. Dr. J. P. Wessels

By Order of the Professors of the Department of Physics
Prof. Dr. H. Zacharias